Sunday, June 20, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Flight of the Amazon Queen - Part 5 of 19

In this episode, we go exploring and pick up whatever isn't nailed down.

Time to explore. The first place I go to is the Floda, Inc. camp, since I'm going from left to right as far as pinnacle locations go.

You can take one of the flowers near the building and put it in your inventory. You can talk to the guard dog, but it won't do you much good. You also won't be able to enter the door near the dog, either.

You can go in, but you won't be able past the secretary unless you have the vacuum cleaner from Trader Bob's store, even if you tell the secretary that you're the fumigator. You also won't be able to take the pencil on the desk, either.

Next up is the jetty. 

You won't be able to do much here, either, as the ferryman has stepped out for a bit to go fishing somewhere. You won't be able to do anything here until much later in the game. 

On the path north of the entrance, there is a sloth, but you won't be able to interact with it yet. Go east and you'll meet two explorers, Bud and Skip. Bud is to the left and Skip to the right. By talking to Bud, you'll be able to find out that they are indeed explorers and that they are here to find the Amazon women that are in the jungle again after being captured by them so they can birth some kids. Bud will also mention that he has a rash from the jungle heat, and that the Amazons kicked them out of their village for it. He also says he will pay a lot of money to cure it. Keep that in mind for later.

By talking to Skip (who sounds a lot like Sparky), you'll be able to get the comic book of Commander Rocket battling the Chicago mob from him. All you have to do is talk about the comic book, bring up Sparky, mention his comic book dilemma, and he will give it to you. The rest of the dialogue options are of no use.

On the other side of Bud and Skip - and east of the jungle entrance - is the waterfall. Keep the beetle that is flying around for later.

East of the waterfall is the ape wearing a pink polka-dotted dinosaur suit. By talking to him, you'll make it obvious that he can't fool you. 

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