Sunday, June 20, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Flight of the Amazon Queen - Part 6 of 19

In this entry, we explore more of the jungle while also meeting a bunch of missionaries and reading a comic book. Not gonna lie, I got a kick out of the comic book reading.

If you read the comic book, you'll find out that Commander Rocket's jetpack is powered by alcohol. Keep that in mind for later. Also, a page will fall out of the comic book. Combine it with the coupon you got earlier with the Use command, and you'll complete the blueprint on the back of the page...and yes, you can look at it.

South of the ape is the mission. Here, you'll see a couple of monkeys as well as Jimmy and Mary Lou Cook, who run the mission. By talking with Jimmy, you'll find out that Jimmy is a zoologist in his spare time, that the monkeys have names and love playing with their food, and that Jimmy knows plenty about sloths, such as their love for sweet nectar. By talking to Mary Lou, you'll find out that pygmies ran away from the mission due to her singing voice, and says Trader Bob is always taking her and Jimmy's potential converts. You'll also find out that they spoke to the pygmies with a English-to-Pygmy dictionary...which they won't give to you easily due to it being the only one they have. If you ask to swap something for the dictionary, you won't get far, but Mary Lou mentions that her nail file is almost blunt. Keep that in mind for...right now!.

Go back to Sparky and give him the comic book. As promised, he will give you a file, but not before giving you a hard time about how the comic book is not in mint condition. Go back to the mission and give the file to Mary Lou. Joe will swap the file for the Pygmy-to-English Dictionary, and with that, we can now talk to the pygmies near Trader Bob's.

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