Friday, June 18, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Flight of the Amazon Queen - Part 1 of 19

Fun fact: the game's designers, John Passfield and Steve Stamatiadis, would later form Krome Studios and bring us...wait for it...Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. Who knew?

The game begins in an abandoned warehouse in Buenos Aires in 1949. Our hero, Joe King, is all tied up with a woman dressed in purple named Rita, thanks to one Big Hugh having a thing against guys dating his girl. All of a sudden, Sparky breaks into the room from above, riding a bathtub, but Big Hugh has two guys with machine guns with him. Sparky, Joe and Rita escape, but Big Hugh and his men get caught in an explosion caused by dynamite rigged to an alarm clock. Afterwards, Joe King remembers that he has to pick up famous movie star Faye Russell in a few hours.

Joe and Sparky then fly to a hotel in Rio de Janiero, Brazil and head to a hotel. In the hotel, Joe King runs into his arch-rival Anderson, who traps Joe King into a room to fly Faye Russell to the Amazon Jungle before Joe King can do it first and do it before a storm hits. From here, you have control over Joe King.

You have plenty of controls. From left to right, you can open and close things, you can move things, you can give things to other people, you can look at things, you can pick things up, you can speak to people and you can use items. Just select the command you need in the bottom of the screen, then click on the item you want to interact with with the left mouse button. The right mouse button lets you look at items you can interact with. To the right of that is your inventory. The left and right button let you cycle your inventory, and the four slots show what items you have. The journal lets you save you game in one of one hundred save slots, and the baseball bat is an item that you'll be able to use later on.

The chest in the middle of the room has Joe King joke that it is full of linen if you right-click on it.

The linen in the southeast corner can be picked up. You can pick up two sheets, and by doing so, you can find a laundry chute. However, it is too dangerous to just drop down it. There is a radiator bolted to the wall, but its appearance is weird as Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is usually a humid place. If you use one sheet on the other sheet, you can tie them together. From there, use your newly-made sheet rope on the radiator to tie it to the radiator so you have a way to rappel down to the room below.

If you click on the window, Joe King will try to yell out the window to Sparky, but Sparky will not be able to hear him.

The curtain cord near the window can be used, and by using it, you can pull it. Here, you can pick up the wig near the dressing room mirror.

Below, you'll find plenty of places to go and plenty of things to look at. You can move the ladder from one part of the shelves to another, and by doing so, you can pick up a couple of things: the comedy breasts(TM) and a crowbar from the box of crowbars at the top of the shelves. There is a door on the east side of the room, but you won't be able to open it quite yet, so you're better off going up the stairs to the door.

You'll be in the lobby. If you pass by Rico and Eddy, you'll be thrown back into your hotel room in your underwear. (You aren't required to do this, but it's pretty funny.) Go back to the lobby and talk to the bellboy. By talking to the bellboy, whose name is Mike Laris, you'll be able to get some information on the hotel. For instance; the front entrance guarded by Rico and Eddy is the only way out, and that the hotel is co-owned by Anderson and the bellboy's uncle, and that Anderson uses some of the money to fund his air service. You'll also find out that Faye Russell was recently here, and that a woman Lola will be doing her showgirl routine soon.

You can also ask about the key on the desk. You'll need it to move on with the game, but unless you're a friend of Lola's, you won't be able to get it unless you ask about the key again and just say you're Lola's friend. Mike will just let you take you the key, just like that. If you look at the key, you'll notice the name tag tied to it says "Lola." Go back downstairs and use the key you just got on the red door with the star on it that you couldn't do anything with previously. Go in, and you'll meet Lola, who is getting ready for her showgirl routine.

By going through the dialogue options with Lola, you'll find out that Joe King and Lola used to be in a relationship until Joe walked out of her life. (If Rico and Eddy have taken your clothes, you can also jokingly ask Lola if she likes your boxer shorts. If you do, you'll get some hilarious, albeit useless, dialogue.) Ask Lola for help, and tell her that either you need help getting out or that Anderson's goons have your trapped. (The first option gets you some extra dialogue.) Lola is reluctant to help you after your leaving her, then gets in the shower and tells you to get her a towel.

There's nothing left to do here, so go back up the rope to the hotel room and go back to the chest in the middle of the room. Use the crowbar on that chest. To Joe's lack of surprise, it's full of linen. Take one of the towels, go back to Lola and give Lola the towel. Lola will ultimately decided to help you out and gives you a red dress to use as a disguise. You'll then leave the room.

If you have the dress, the wig and the comedy breasts in your inventory, you can just use the dress on Joe and Joe will be able to dress up as a woman. (If Rico and Eddy did not take your clothes, you can switch between your regular clothes and your disguise.) Go back to the lobby.

You'll then get a cutscene underground in a top secret laboratory. An old man in a lab coat tests out his "Dino Ray," which turns people into dinosaurs. He then tests the ray out on an Amazon woman, and it turns her into an anthropomorphic lizard woman. When he tests the Aggression Enhancer, however, it turns her into a lizard showgirl. The old man says he will have it fixed, but he will need more Amazon women for his dinosaur army.

You'll then be back in the lobby.

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