Saturday, June 26, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Flight of the Amazon Queen - Part 17 of 19

Now he's gone and done it. Ian did something stupid and got himself killed, making it impossible to get out the easy way. However, this does allow us to do some more things in the temple. Unfortunately, we get stuck again.

Now that you've rescued Ian, we've been told not to follow him. Let's follow him anyway! Go back to the room with the lasers and use the death mask on one of the mirrored surfaces to destroy the laser trap. You can then go through the door behind it. You'll be on the lower path where the one dead body was. Go right, and you'll be on the other side of the room with the crypt. To get the green jewel, you'll need to create something that will allow you to get it.

Head back to the room where you dropped down from and go through the door on the right. Head back to the room where the Prince's crypt was and go down the hole. Pick up the tree sap again, and use it on the baseball bat. Go back to the green jewel and use the sticky bat on the jewel to grab it.

Go back to the statue with the eye holes and the two waterfalls. You'll hear Ian scream. Put the green jewel in the left eye hole and the blue one in the right. The waterfalls will disappear, and the statue will point to the right, telling you to go that way. If you go left, you'll see the trap that Ian accidentally triggered, killing him. If you go to Ian's lifeless body, you won't find the Crystal Skull at all. Instead, you'll find another stone statue much like the one you picked up earlier.

Go back to the double waterfall and take the right doorway. You'll be at the statue.

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