Wednesday, September 2, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Kirby's Dream Land 3 - Part 13 of 14

I hated recording this part. Seriously.

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Remember the "World X-3" mini-games you had to complete to get some of the Heart Stars? Well, you're doing them all again, all in a row. The same strategies apply.

The first game has some white blobby guy with a hat throwing circles behind a wall. Pay attention to what he's throwing, as each circle has a different face. Get all of them right and you'll get the Heart Star for this stage.

For the second one, you'll have to guess which pot out of the five the eel is in. You have to guess which one he was in last. If you can guess correctly three times, you'll get the Heart Star!

For mini-game #3, pay attention to the ten Gordos and count how many open their eyes. If you guess right, you'll get a point. Guess correctly three times and you'll get the Heart Star for this stage. If a Gordo has a grin, he doesn't count! Be careful on that, because this can trip you up at least once.

In mini-game #4, you'll meet some guy who's red, yellow and blue. You'll see a bunch of Gordos in multiple colors. They'll either be red, blue, yellow or black. This guy will then ask how many Gordos of a certain color there were, so you'd better be paying attention! It also gets much quicker on the third attempt, so you have to be ready to count as quickly as possible. You'll get the Heart Star after three consecutive correct guesses.

The finale is the mini-game featuring Chef Kawasaki from Kirby Super Star. Five Gordos will drop, and each one will make a sound. Kawasaki will whack the Gordo next to him with his pan, which will match the sound that one of the Gordos made. You'll have to choose which Gordo originally made that noise. After three correct guesses, you'll get the Heart Star at the end of the stage.

Guess what? This part is hard as balls. The first two mini-games are all right, but from there, it's nothing but RNG with games that go too fast that force you to rely entirely on luck. The fifth mini-game isn't much better; some of the Gordo sounds are a bit too similar to each other.

When you get perfects on all five mini-games in MG5, you'll get the Jumping mini-game.

Remember that mini-game at the end of each level where you had to leap to the power-up of your choice? Well, guess what? You're doing it here, except this time, you're doing it eight times in a row. Avoid the needle guys and land on the happy faces. It's easy at the beginning, but as you progress, it gets harder until there is only one space with a happy face under it.  If you can land 10 successful jumps before hitting a needle guy, you'll get the scene select and 100% completion on this game!

Not surprisingly, I hated this one as well. Even with the speed down to half; I still kept dying. I enjoyed the boss battle, but this game and Those two games were absolute torture to do and became the exact reason I hated getting 100% on this game. I don't always want easy, but I do want possible, and this just crossed a line.

When you get 100%, you'll be able to see all of the cutscenes, including the bad ending complete with enemy roll call, which I show off.

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