Wednesday, September 23, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Johnny Bazookatone - Part 3 of 8

We're FINALLY out of the first level. Of course, that leads to another level where we need to figure a slew of new things out.

The final section of the first level is the River Styx. You have to shoot the fish down to get a coin, then suck up the coin and give it to Charon so you can get around on his paddle boat. Given that the fish jump out of the river at random points, it can be a pain in the butt, though it is possible to shoot a fish down so that the coin lands on Charon and Charon automatically takes it.

If you jump into the River Styx, it's instant death. So don't do it. More importantly, make sure you don't get knocked into it, either. If you die in any part of this section, you're starting the pedal boat ride over from the beginning.

You can get on platforms during the ride for notes and such, but I choose to stay on the paddle boat. It makes it easier to shoot down the fish. During the ride, the fish leap to the side rather than straight up, and if you shoot any down, they will drop a treble clef. 

Eventually, Charon will stop. When that happens, you'll have to get him another coin from the fish.

You'll eventually see one of your bandmates in a cage as well as an entrance to a hotel. Stay on the boat and keep riding it while fighting fish off until the screen fades to black. You'll get a cutscene where you free your band's saxophone player, then you'll get bonus points and a password. Welcome to the next level!

Sometimes, you can get a bonus level with a black and white spiral background and a ton of black blobs flying around. This happens if you get all the rainbow notes - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet - from left to right. You'll have to survive for sixty seconds - with a timer at the bottom of the screen, and shoot down as many enemies as you can. 

Level 2: Hotel Demonique

The path of notes at the beginning are a place to leave something. Also, you can jump to the top of the check-in desk to get 

To take out the red demons with the guns, you'll have to use the power-up shot...from a distance. If he shoots at you, you're not far away enough. If you're too close, however, there is still a way to kill them. Keep shooting them with your normal rapid fire until they keep flashing white, then let go of the fire button and press it again after about half a second. If the red demon shakes, you did it right. Keep going with this pattern, and you'll eventually kill them.

By running on the red velvet seats that you see afterwards, you can get them to spin upwards if you're going in the right direction.

The ferns don't hurt you, but the gold pots with the brambles don't run into the brambles.

The chest acts as a trampoline, as does the briefcase on the floor. By shooting at the briefcase, you can move it to the right. If you move it to the right, jump off the table and onto the briefcase, you can jump onto the entrance of the "Disco-a-Go-Go" and bounce upwards to the next level, assuming the briefcase is positioned properly.

If you enter the Disco-a-Go-Go, you won't be able to do anything yet. As a matter of fact, the bouncer will bounce you out of the club.

You'll have to avoid the incense burning pots, as you cannot destroy them. However, if you hit them with a regular shot, you can briefly stun them.

By walking on the chandeliers with the brambles, you can walk your way to higher areas.

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