Friday, September 25, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays World of Illusion (Mickey's Path) - Part 3 of 5

Our magical adventures takes us underwater.

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In the third level, you'll be using the Control Pad in conjunction with the jump button, which you'll need to press repeatedly, to swim. You won't be able to attack while underwater, so your best bet is to avoid enemies at all costs, especially the small black sea urchins on the floors and ceilings.

If you see a wall of bubbles, there will be a clam nearby. Face away from the clam in order to get the clam to approach you. It will stop at the wall of bubbles and neutralize it.

You'll soon enter a cave. Climb underneath the blocks to continue. Watch out for the stuff that drops down from the ceiling, attack the starfish with your magic cloth, and use the geysers to reach higher areas.

Wait for the clams to close up before standing on them, and use them to avoid the cone-shaped rocks that act as spikes.

The blue card gives you temporary invincibility against enemies, and it will last only for a short time. If you can ride all the geysers to the other side near the end, you can get some health.

You'll soon have to use your magic to enter a sunken ship. Aside from the starfish, you'll have to dodge some tridents. Some will drop down when you get under them; others will drop down a tad sooner. You'll also have sawfish coming out of the floor. They are like swordfish, but their bills are saws. Hit them when they pop up, and go slowly when you hear them pop up.

You'll have to run across the narrow area near the end to avoid drowning in the water that fills the corridor up.

The boss here is a shark. The shark is harmless when you only see its fin, but when it surfaces and comes after you, that is when you want to attack and avoid. After a second pass where you can only see its fin, the shark will dive down, leap at you and then chase after you for a second again. You can hit it while it is in the air.

You'll then learn how to teleport to another box. When you head left after this, you'll be sucked out of the water and you'll end up in an over-sized library.

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