Monday, September 7, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Devil's Causeway (OBS Edition)

Some time later, I re-made this video with OBS. As a result, all of the lines are resolution are there, and the video is at the proper 50 FPS.

First | End

To escape from the Devil's grasp, you must cross the Causeway and reach the exit.

Use the cursor control keys to move along the Causeway. You may go by any route, but don't step off the Causeway.

The journey will not be easy. The Devil has many of his helpers out on the Causeway to test and hamper you on your way.

Can you get past them all - or are you doomed to spend the rest of your days in Hell?

From the story description screen, you'll be able to choose your difficulty between 1 and 6, with 1 being the hardest and 6 being the easiest. Of course, it's anything but once you start the game, as you will be at the mercy of RNG to varying degrees.

On 5 and 6, you have three lives. On 3 and 4, you have two. On 1 and 2, you only have one.

After selecting your difficulty, you'll see the maze (which is always the same every time). As long as you stay on the yellow path and never move into the black "walls," you will not lose all of your lives and fall down into the endless abyss instantly. The goal is the big red box in the lower-right corner of the maze. If you make it all the way there, you'll go back to the title screen. You don't even get a congratulations message. Ouch.

There are several mini-games that you will have to go through. They are:

Basil the Bomber: Basil the Bomber has three boxes, and you'll have to choose one. Two of them are empty, while one of them contains a bomb. If you get the bomb, it blows up and you'll lose a life.

Bernard's Beastly Barbs: Use Left and Right on the cursor control keys to move the white picture of the person away from all the barbs that travel upwards from the bottom of the screen. If you touch any of the yellow barbs, you lose a life. If you make it to the end, you did it!

Bob's Blob: You'll be on a white screen controlling a red cursor and shooting at a yellow square that is supposed to be a blob. Use the cursor control keys to move the cursor, and press the Space Bar to shoot the blob. If you get a hit, you've cleared the mini-game. You have sixty seconds to clear this before losing a life, but this is perhaps the easiest of the mini-games you'll be playing. (Strangely, I never got this one to pop up on either of my Let's Plays of this game.)

Colin Crusher: You will have to press the letter keys on the keyboard to find the one letter that will keep Colin's crane from crushing your cranium. If you get crushed, you'll lose a life. If you manage to find the correct letter, you'll be able to pass by unharmed. What I usually do is press all of the letter keys in alphabetical order from A to Z. I usually get by that way.

Donald The Demon Dice Thrower: Donald will throw two dice. You'll have to guess if his next roll is higher or lower. If you guess correctly, you'll go on through unscathed. If you guess incorrectly, you'll lose a life.

Lenny Lightning: All you do is stand in the center of the screen and hope you don't get struck by lightning. This is the one game where you have no control over your own fate, and is the most dependent on RNG/luck/what have you. 

Peter Password: Peter will quickly flash a word on the screen, and you'll have to remember what it is when you're asked to type it out. If you can do that and press Return, you'll get by without losing a life. Otherwise, you'll lose a life.

Roger The Relocator: If you run into Roger, there is a 50-50 chance you're going to be teleported to a random point in the maze. If you get a message stating that Roger failed to notice you and that you escaped, you'll stay where you are. Where is he going to put you this time?", then you'll get teleported to a random point in the maze and you'll have to look for that blue icon that looks like a person before moving again. This is the only random event that does not have the potential to kill you.

Sid Shape: Sid will flash one of eight shapes on the screen, and you'll need to remember which one it is. If you press the correct number for the correct shape, you've done it. If not, you'll lose a life.

Simon Summer: You'll have to add seven numbers as quickly as possible with mental map. If you can pull it off and get the right answer, you'll win. If not, you'll lose a life.

Have fun...if you can.

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