Friday, September 18, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Looney Tunes in Carrot Crazy - Part 5 of 5

Here we are: the final world of the game!

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Elmer Fudd's Forest: Scene 1

Hunters will be hiding in logs ready to shoot. He'll take three hits to defeat, which will be six on Hard.

The bear traps will stay in place as they open and close. Be ready to hover forward and float down if you can't see what's below you.

You'll need Bugs to push the rocks onto the see-saws so you can continue.

You can stand on top of the piles of logs.

Keep pressing A on the flying machine to make them go up.

Elmer Fudd moves back and forth and shoots every so often, while the hunting dogs are much like K-9 from the last stage.

Take the low road when you have a choice between that and the high road with a flying machine. You'll find a clapper piece that way.

Elmer Fudd's Forest: Scene 2

Take the high road at the start for a clapper piece.

You'll have to backtrack back to the first see-saw in the scene, get the fat carrot, fly up and hover to get a clapper piece once you have more than half of the carrots in the scene. 

The hooks can be jumped into and grabbed much like the balloons from Taz's Zoo, and you can use them to get across large pits.

You'll need all 32 carrots to get the A and the final clapper piece at the end.

The Crazy Train

When you see a platform made of rocks, jump to it, then get to the next cart before Elmer Fudd's train hits the rock platform and destroys it. You may have to make leaps - and hovers - of faith to get to certain platforms.

If there are any barriers that stop the cart platforms you ride on, jump over them. They destroy the carts on impact.

You'll want to jump over the railroad crossing barriers when they are down

You can jump up and hit the guys throwing stuff from the water towers before they become a problem.

There are no "EXTRA" letters to collect here, as this is the last stage of the game.

You know how to fight Elmer, hit him ,jump over the shots and hover over him when he corners you. Once you've beaten him, you've beaten this game! Congratulations!

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