Friday, March 6, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Mega Man 4 - Part 7 of 8

Of course he's back. He always comes back.

Dr. Wily 1

The beginning of the stage is full of Mettaurs. Some of them actually spin around, unwittingly exposing themselves to attack longer than usual because of it. Ha, ha.

You'll also be dealing with some underwater bits as well as...the disappearing platforms. Again. Goddammit, Capcom.

There's another easily obtainable Energy Can near the boss.

The boss here is a giant Mettaur. This one leaps around the room in an attempt to squash you, and when its eyes bounce around, four Mettaurs will come down from the ceiling. This is pretty easy to beat with the Mega Buster for the most part, but you can also use the Ring Boomerang. Just watch out for all those Mettaurs, which usually land where you are at the time of the stomp.

You can only shoot the boss when his face is exposed, and that stomp of yours will freeze you, making it easy for the small Mettaurs to hit you unless you somehow jump before he hits the ground.

Dr. Wily 2

You'll be dealing with a ton of spikes placed in the most unforgiving spots, followed by a jump that requires Rush Jet to get to.

Slide to Eddy to get whatever he has, then take the right ladder (the left one leads to that buzzsaw robot and takes you back down after you take damage from something you couldn't possibly avoid).

The majority of the enemies here are from Pharaoh Man's stage.

To beat the boss here, just use either the Mega Buster's charge shots or the Ring Boomerang. Avoid both the fireballs and the big red balls that act as bombs that have quite the explosion. The big red balls are easier said than done, so stay on the left of the two conveyor belts to give yourself more time to avoid them, and be sure to jump and control yourself in the air to avoid them if you need to do so. If you have any energy cans, this is a good boss to save them for.

The weak point is the blinking green light on the boss's forehead. Use fully charged Mega Buster shots or the Ring Boomerang whenever you shoot at the boss so you can finish it off in less time.

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