Tuesday, March 31, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Bubsy II (Super Nintendo) - Part 2 of 19

This entry introduces us to the flying and music stages.

Fleece Academy

The airplane stages have sightly different stages. You have infinite Ballzooka ammo with Y, and you can drop pie bombs with B. L and R allow you to turn around, and Left and Right allow you to slow down and speed up, respectively (when facing right; reverse when facing left). If you run into floors, walls, ceilings, enemies and other certain things, you will take damage. If you need to, you can still use Smart Bombs and Portable Holes with the A button and select them with A respectively.

Be careful fighting enemies in close combat; you'll have to keep turning around to keep a certain distance from enemies and manage to fight them off. Speaking of enemies, you'll meet other enemies, including ones in certain areas, such as pterodactyls, aviator pigs and even enemies from other stages such as the asteroids (they usually appear in the science fiction stages).

The giant wall holes take you to other parts of the level. The vulture that drops the shrew will hit you if you take the shortcut on the lower path at the start.

C Sharp or B Flat

The big horns act as trampolines. It's not just the ones that point upwards, either; the ones pointing to the side will knock you to the side as well. 

If a point between a wall and the floor is rounded and you run into it, Bubsy will get launched into the air with his feet moving in a circular movement.

The sharps are spikes and will be instant death if you land in them.

The music stages will have their own enemies (which can show up in other types of stages): drum that pound on themselves, flying saxophones, guitars that shoot, trumpets that shoot sonic blasts at you, jumping accordions and even jumping bagpipes.

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