Sunday, March 8, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Journey To Silius - Part 2 of 5

The first stage was pretty cool...but you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Stage 2

Don't forget to press Select and switch back to the hand gun at the beginning of a new stage.

The hoverdroids at the beginning are pretty easy to take out. The flying turret shoots a spread shot, and the extending rod robot extends upwards to keep you from jumping over it. Duck and shoot it. The spinning circular robots shoot around the room in eight directions clockwise, but its shots can be easy to avoid.

Be careful at the vertical drop after the start. You can control yourself on the drop down, just not very much.

When you see the first stage mini-boss again, stay to the left of the blue door to avoid its firepower. When you get the elevator to drop down, jump onto it to go up.

The alien droid moves forward in a stop-start motion and shoot three mortar shots upwards. Keep your distance to easily destroy it.

To be at the robot mini-boss, shoot at the circle on the top. When you kill it, you'll get the homing missile.

To beat the tank boss, switch to the machine gun. Avoid the claw and the mortar shots jas you shoot at the blue sphere on the boss' chest. Be sure to use the machine gun to get more shots in every time you jump up and shot. The mortar shots shoot from two alternating distances, and to avoid it, you'll either have to jump or duck the shots. 

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