Wednesday, March 4, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Mega Man 4 - Part 3 of 8

The fun continues as we take on two more Robot Masters.

Dust Man

The shields that fly around can only be hit in the back.

Those things that pop out of the pits when you get near? Shoot it and continue on immediately. The longer you stay in that area around the pit, the more of them that show up.

The crushers this time are a lot smaller and stay in the air longer, making it really easy to avoid them with the slide.

The mushroom head-like things with the copters detach said copters and home in on you when they get close enough. It makes them easy at times, aggravating at others.

The four blocks that combine to make one big one are platforms. Use those to get over the spike pits.

After Eddy, you'll get the crusher section. Destroy the blocks in your path, preferably the top two rows, so you can get through without getting crushed on the way forward. Some of them are a little lower, and some of them come right before a bunch of blocks, so you'll have to fire on at least almost all of the blocks and and slide accordingly to get past that.

To beat Dust Man, use the Ring Boomerang against him. But what if you don't have it? Equip the Mega Buster, then jump straight up when the dust shots come your way so the fragments miss you when they split into four diagonally-travelling segments right where you're standing. He'll jump towards you, then try to suck you in with his vacuum power. Keep walking away and you'll be able to avoid this, and use this attack as your opportunity to charge up the Mega Buster and let him have it. His attack pattern is that simple.

Beating Dust Man gives you the Dust Crusher.

Skull Man

The green turrets shoot out red balls that bounce off walls, floors and ceilings. It's better to use charged shots on them.

The green things with the spikes that fly around can go through walls, but that's the only special things they do.

The skeleton robots throw bones at you. I like to call them "Skull Joes" since they have that one-eye thing going on just like the Sniper Joes. You could hit them with a regular shot and jump over them as they pull themselves together, but a charged shot destroys them completely.

After you see Eddy, you can take the high road and the low road. If you fall down the pit on the higher road, you will still die; you will not drop down to the low road, which leads to a dead end but also has an Energy Tank.

The caterpillar robots as well as the yellow turrets can be taken out effectively with a charged shot.

You'll need Rush Jet to get the Energy Tank on the high road.

Well, since we have Dust Crusher from Dust Man, we have something to kill Skull Man with. Nice. All he does is shoot at you a couple times, and it's probably at random where the shots go: either straight at you or at an upward angle. Keep hitting him with Dust Crusher. After he stops firing, he leaps around. He'll then use the Skull Barrier, but he'll stand still when he uses it. You won't be able to hit him with anything as he's got it set up, so don't even bother. Just wait for it to disappear so he'll walk around a bit and start his attack pattern over.

Also, fun fact; Skull Man doesn't move until you do at the beginning of the battle.

Beating Skull Man gives you the Skull Barrier.

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