Friday, March 6, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Mega Man 4 - Part 6 of 8

In this entry, we see a rare auto-scrolling level in the Mega Man series, then find out why Dr. Cossack suddenly wanted to fight us.

Dr. Cossack 3

The music here is even better than the last two stages.

This part is auto-scrolling, and there are a ton of onion-domed roofs in the background, too. Watch out for the red circles that revolve around some of the platforms, as they cover the perimeter of the platforms they patrol in seconds and are impossible to destroy.

Well, boy howdy! The saws that act as the so-called "indestructible enemy that prowls the floor and speeds up when you're at their level" can be destroyed with either the Pharaoh Shot or the Dive Missile!

Climb up the second ladder, and boom...more auto-scrolling. If you couldn't tell already, you'll be dealing with enemies from Ring Man's stage around here. Keep the Dive Missile equipped so you can destroy all the enemies here with ease.

The gold platforms that show up with a glint in the corner are interesting. When you stand on them, they start sinking. When you jump off, they quickly rise up. Use this to your advantage to make some of the jumps from one platform to another, as you won't be able to make some of these jumps otherwise.

You can get the Energy Can at the end with the Balloon Adapter. Yeah, I was stumped, too.

The boss here is really easy. These robots either shoot one bullet down or two bullets diagonally. Believe it or not, the Pharaoh Shot actually goes in eight directions, and you can charge it up to finish this entire battle in seconds. The first one just moves back and forth on the ceiling, but the second one moves all over the walls and ceilings and has a four-way shot, making fully-charge Pharaoh Shots immeasurably useful.

Dr. Cossack 4

Use the Drill Bomb to get the Energy Can at the beginning.

For the first time in a Mega Man game, the path branches off. Take the path that takes you down and left (which is reachable with either Rush Coil or the Balloon Adapter and is blocked by a wall that can be destroyed with the Drill Bomb), as you can score a second Energy Can. Also, the Drill Bomb is uber powerful against the crusher robots as well as anything else that's dumb enough to take you on. Also, this path is easier, believe it or not.

The boss here is Dr. Cossack himself. He has a triple shot as well as a claw that can grab you for immense damage. The Dust Crusher is the best weapon to use here. Just watch out where you're jumping and always slide when you're trying to move underneath Dr. Cossack. The uneven ground may be a problem, but if you stay on the move and keep sliding under Dr. Cossack, you'll be fine.

When you get Dr. Cossack down to one bar, Proto Man shows up with Dr. Cossack's daughter Kalinka. She tells you that Dr. Cossack is being used as an unwitting figurehead in Dr. Wily's plans...

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