Friday, March 13, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 5 of 27

We may not be able to get everything in Sunny Beach at once, but that's all right. We'll be coming back eventually.

Summer Forest

Now that you can swim, you can swim through a passage that leads to more levels. If you talk to Zoe, she will tell you to keep doing what you're doing to defeat Ripto and to keep collecting orbs as they may lead to a way back to the Dragon World.

If you talk to Elora, she will tell you that you will have to learn how to climb the ladder near her to go up to where a bunch of gems and an orb is.

If you talk to Hunter, you can switch between Passive and Active Mode. In Passive Mode, the game camera moves more slowly and you are required to move it yourself. In Active Mode, it moves much faster and always stays behind Spyro (or tries to). I always use Active Mode. You can change between the two modes at any time by pausing the game, going into the Options menu and switching between Passive and Active on the camera mode.

The red switches turn green and open doors (and closes others) when you flame them.

Other areas you will be able to find here include a giant wall that Moneybags will open (for 400 gems) to reveal Aquaria Towers and a big wooden door that leads to your first boss battle. You'll need more talismans for that boss battle, however...

Sunny Beach is one of the first portals you'll see after coming out of the underwater passage. We're going there for this entry.

Sunny Beach

This is the only area in Summer Forest other than Glimmer and the Summer Forest homeworld itself that will take more than one trip to complete 100%. For starters, you'll have to climb to get two of the orbs, as well as some of the gems. Other than that, there's not much else to look forward to the second time around.

Here, you're basically herding three baby turtles from the beginning to the end. Flame or ram the giant turtles that are eating the grass so that they stand on the switch (some require more than one flame/charge) and eat the grass there. You'll receive the talisman at the end, as always.

The pink starfish are the fodder here in this level. They smile until you kill them...then they frown as if they're all like "Why'd you have to kill me for?!?"

The guys with the stun sticks are pretty easy. You can either flame them or ram them. The ducks with the shovels wearing the inner tubes take two hits. Flame them once to get rid of the inner tube, them flame them again to get rid of them. Whenever you surface from an underwater section, watch out for the purple guys with the spears. They're pretty annoying if you aren't expecting them.

The Superflame power-up will take care of the metal box, by the way. To activate it, you'll have to defeat eleven enemies.

You should have 380 gems and 1 orb by the time you're done. You'll be coming back soon for everything else.


Sunny Beach

1. Use the Superflame power-up to destroy all seven boxes containing the baby turtles. There are some closer to the start and some further into the level, so you'll have to be fast to get all of them.

As for the switch that doesn't have a giant turtle for it, stand on it and face the door. Then use the Superflame power-up to torch the box.

Summer Forest

1. Just past the Ocean Speedway portal are two doorways. One is open, and one is closed. Hit the switch so that the first doorway is closed, then leap to the balcony at the window near it and glide to the other balcony. Be sure to hover at the end to ensure that you land on it. Since this second doorway is open, you'll finally find what's at the other Orb.

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