Friday, March 20, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 17 of 27

Now that we have the talisman for Magma Cone out of the way, it's time to go for the orbs.

Magma Cone

Now that we have the talisman, we can now go for the orbs.

The one concerning the Lava Lizards is the hardest. They can get you from a pretty good distance, and their party favors attack can hit you from further away than you think.

The crystal popcorn mini-game is one of my favorites. You'll have to beat Hunter not once, but twice, at getting a certain amount of popcorn. Just watch where the steam travels, and you'll see where the crystal popcorn pops up. If you need to, follow Hunter and take the popcorn from under his nose, since Hunter is good at catching these and he can yank them even if they're at his feet.


Magma Cone

1. Use the Superfly power-up to fly around and spit the rocks hovering on the geysers coming out of the lava in the volcano at the Lava Lizards. Defeat all 12 to get an orb.

2. There is another set of ladders you'll have to glide to from a distance in order to reach before you make it to the volcano. Reach those, then climb into the opening in that part of the cone to find a room with a bunch of cracks in it. You'll find Hunter here. Collect 10 pieces of crystal popcorn before Hunter does to get an orb.

3. You need to get #2 to do this one. Once you get the first orb from Hunter, you'll be able to do another game where you have to get 15 pieces. Following Hunter and grabbing the ones he's going for before he can will help you here.

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