Tuesday, March 10, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Journey To Silius - Part 4 of 5

At this point, the game is pretty darn tough. 

Stage 4

Watch out for the turrets that shoot to the side as well as the flying enemies at the beginning. Some of the flying enemies will fly at you from the left side of the screen, so be careful. The floor turrets are only vulnerable when they fire at you.

Just like the claws in the last stage, wait for the piston-like crushers to move back up before moving past them. As for the spiked things that go up and down that look like spinal cords, those things will go down when you try to jump over them. Wait for those things to go all the way down before jumping over them.

The bouncing blue robots are easy to take out.

There are some cyborgs that slowly move forward, but there are others that will fly back and forth and fire a three-way shot at you, and they will go under you as they do so. When you see them, take them out immediately; do not move forward or they will hound you throughout the stage.

At the first vertical drop that doesn't involve an elevator, make a small hop off the edge to the left so that you avoid the floor turrets. After that drop, watch the ceiling to ensure that steel boxes don't drop on you. 

You're better off jumping over the small spikes with the gaps, even though you can run over them. Also, jump over the wall of spikes that drops down and advances to the left while you're there.

Just before the part with the fall-away platforms, there will be a flying cyborg that is too high to shoot at with the hand gun. Use the Homing Missile instead.

As for the fall-away block pits, get to the right side of the blocks to ensure you get past them before you fall. Use short hops for the last set. Keep an eye out for enemies, and make sure the screen is clear before moving past pits.

The boss is a bigger flying robot. Equip the Laser Gun and shoot it in the head. If you get hit, use your brief post-hit invincibility to most past the boss, then continue firing lasers at the head. Eventually, the lasers will be gone. Keep firing at the head while avoiding getting shot at. You'll be able to get the Grenade Launcher.

For the boss, equip the Grenade Launcher and go a little to the left. Jump over the laser, and fire a grenade at the top of your jump. The Grenade will hit the weak spot, which will be opened up by the time it gets there, and if you can hit it with all your Grenade Launcher shots, you won't have to worry about using the hand gun. Make sure not to go all the way to the left; if you do, you risk falling into the pit at the far left if you happen to jump onto the laser.

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