Monday, March 9, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Journey To Silius - Part 3 of 5

At this point, the mini-bosses and end bosses get a little more interesting, as do the levels. I still find it strange that I beat this game like I did.

Stage 3

Aside from bottomless pits, you have spinning robots that fly forward, turrets that shoot in two diagonal directions, slow-moving cyborgs that fire every so often, wall-climbing spiders, robot cylinders that bounce forward, floor flamethrowers and flying alien-shaped robots that follow you around and fire at you. There are also faster flying robots with a more human-like appearance that also fire at you. Regardless of which variety you run into, shoot them down as soon as you see them.

Always remember to re-position yourself onto the center of the screen after using an elevator to ensure that you can react to anything that comes your way.

To get past the ceiling spikes, get dangerously close so they drop down, then move forward as soon as they move back up. Same with the crushers

The lasers deal a ton of damage, so memorize the pattern at which they fire before passing through.

Be careful when dropping down, as you will be surrounded by enemies. 

Jump and shoot a homing missile to destroy the floor flamethrower directly to the right of the laser.

Near the end, you will have to pass by five lasers back to back. After the fifth laser, equip the Homing Missile. When you see the mini-boss, keep your distance before jumping and shooting. Remember to wait for the mini-boss to stop flashing before shooting another one. You'll get the Laser.

The boss here is some sort of defense system. The spot where you stand at the start of the battle is the one place where you should stand the entire time, as it gives you the best chance to duck under the bolts from the right side of the screen as well as avoid the ceiling lasers. Equip the Laser Gun, then jump and shoot at the multi-colored glass dome on the right while avoiding getting shot yourself. It will take some practice, but you'll eventually beat the boss and go to Stage 4.

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