Monday, March 30, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Bubsy II (Super Nintendo) - Part 1 of 19

An evil pig-man is stealing history from the space-time continuum with the Wompum Ray, making it so that things such as music, science fiction, the Middle Ages and other things exist only in his Amazatorium...even though the Wompum was designed to merely simulate them. As a matter of fact, everything is so exclusive to the Amazatorium that any time a concept is stolen, people's memories of said concepts disappear with them. You, Bubsy, who has just decided to take a vacation after beating the Woolies in the first game, have to go through the Amazatorium, go through all the levels and beat Oinker P. Hamm, the one responsible for all this, at his own game!

The two-player modes are both two players alternating, and they allow the person not controlling Bubsy to control Terry/Terri, Bubsy's nephew/niece and drop bananas on enemies. (One player will have Terry with them; the other will have Terri. Friendly forces the both of you to cooperate, while Feisty allows the non-Bubsy player to sabotage the other person by dropping junk on them. Basically, one allows "friendly fire;" the other does not.

East Wing

First Floor

The floors of both wings loop endlessly. There will be five worlds in each one, and to enter a world, just stand on the black circle in front of one of the exhibits and press Up.

Left and Right let you move around, Down lets you look down, Up lets you look up, B lets you jump, and Y lets you glide. Just like in the Sonic games, if you hold Left or Right for long enough, you'll eventually start running at full blast. Be careful, or you might run into something. If you fall from too high a height without gliding, you will lose a life.

Using L and R will allow you to allow you to look further to the left or right, respectively. 

My Penguin For a Horse

If you're playing for points, your score will be in the upper-left while the amount of time you've got left (15 minutes to start) will be in the lower left. If you're playing for time, the best time will be on the upper-left while your current time will be in the lower-left.

In the upper-right, you'll have Bubsy's face followed by the amount of lives you have left. Unlike the first game, you only start with three. You also take three hits before you die, and you go from Bubsy's default smirking face to a half-smiling face to a shocked face before Bubsy kicks the bucket on the next hit. Other things, such as falling from too high up without gliding or falling into certain things such as pools of water (without a diving suit), pits of fire, spikes or bottomless pits will instantly kill Bubsy. If you find any bandages, they will replenish all your hit points. 

In the lower-right corner is the amount of marbles you've collected. The more marbles you get, the more bonus points you get at the end of a stage. Bags of marbles give you 50 marbles, while crates of marbles give you 100 marbles. Getting 500 marbles in a single stage will net you an extra life.

The Bubsy face in the bottom center is your toys menu. Press X to cycle through your toys, and press A to use them. There is the Nerf Ballzooka (yes, a licensed toy gun that I wanted as a kid but never got ended up getting is used as a weapon), the smart bomb, the diving suit and the portable hole. I'll mention each one when the time comes.

The enemies here are pretty numerous. There are kangaroos, jumping pigs, pigs in suits who move back and forth (sometimes on ceilings), pig women who dance back and forth and kick one of their legs up, butterflies that turn into fireballs every so often, flying penguins that sometimes drop ice cubes (that also hurt), flying squirrels, bees, pennies that slowly float downwards, goats, sheep that can kill you with their bleats, and others.

Unlike the first game, where you have the same song for every world in the game, you'll have different pieces of music depending on the current situation, and they all loop after a couple of seconds. If you have enemies on the screen, the music changes to something more repgunant and appropriate like some sort of audio aid. Basically, the music is a step down from what was in the first game.

The statue of the pig with the fist up in the air can be used as trampoline if you jump up and land on the fist.

The torches don't kill you; you just get knocked back upon leaping onto them. Huge amounts of fire, on the other hand, will kill Bubsy. As for the flags, you will slide off them if you land on them.

Pressing Up in front of doorways can take you to other places in the level...including mini-games. I will mention how the mini-games work when we get to them. When you enter a mini-game, you'll restore all of your health when you come back to the main stage.

Exclamation points act as checkpoints, and arrows are supplied through the level to show your where to go next.

The block made out of stones is a well that contains water, and if you leap into it, you will die. If you have a diving suit when you do this, however, you will enter a diving suit mini-game. Here, you have to jump one enemies andcollect everything before either the whirpool that only moves in diagonal directions gets you or you run out of time.

The Ballzooka allows you to shoot balls enemies at enemies, and if the balls hit an enemy, they turn into a trading card. The trading cards are traded for toys that you can use in future levels as well as extra lives. The smart bombs turn all on-screen enemies into marbles that you can collect. The portable hole lets you leave the level without having to get to the exit, assuming you have one in your possession. Thankfully, you can find toys out in the open to add more ammo for all of them.

T-shirts with "1" and "2" on them give you one and two extra lives, respectively.

The levels are pretty expansive, but if you have a good sense of direction, you'll be able to memorize where stuff is. 

In the armadillo mini-game, you'll be playing as Arnold the Armadillo and you'll be going through a maze from the top of a truck to a bottom. Left and Right let you move around, and Up makes the fans move to blow you upwards. Use the switches to open doors to other paths. There are three ways down, but only one of them takes you to the center; the other two send you into the tires, and if you fall into the tires, you will lose your time bonus. Getting used to movement in the armadillo mini-games takes some time to get used to, but once you manage to get a handle on it, you'll be able to get through time like a pro.

Press Up at a switch to move it up and trigger something nearby. If you activate a switch and the number 2 pops up next to it, it will be activated for the second player in either of the two-player modes.

In the beige "building" areas, the dark walls are walls you can pass through.

Sometimes there are underground areas here, and some of them have parts in the ceiling that take you back to the ground when you jump up into them. You can also find 

In the frog-launching mini-game, hold Up and Down to change how powerful the frog catapult is, then press A to launch a frog. Use the Control Pad while the frog is in the air to change its trajectory a bit. The more things the frog lands on, the more points you'll get when you either complete the mini-game or when time runs out, and every five things you land on will give you an extra life.

Sometimes Terri or Terry will pop up and look up at you from the top or bottom on the screen. That's just there for show.

The giant marble is the goal. The faster you move into it, the more marbles will pop out. Grab as many marbles as you can for more end-of-stage bonus points.

Before you go back to the Amazatorium, you'll enter the gift shop. You can use Left and Right to buy ammo for your toys and also sell ammunition for more trading cards, respectively. If you know what you're doing, you can trade your way to having a lot of lives to get through the game with.

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