Tuesday, December 17, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Yoshi's Cookie (Super NES) - Part 8 of 29

Some of these puzzles here are pretty good.

Round 8

Round 8-1

Password: YF_?V0?

Move the fifth row to the left once, then move the fourth column up twice.

Round 8-2

Password: W656V45

Move the fifth column up once, the second row to the right once, and the fourth column up once.

Round 8-3

Password: L3J6VYR

Move the fourth column down once, the fifth column down once, and the top row to the left once.

Round 8-4

Password: 1SR6V7J

Move the second row to the right once. Move the second column up once, then move the fifth column down.

Round 8-5

Password: YM76V0J

Move the fourth row to the left three time, then move the third column down.

Round 8-6

Password: WGT6VGJ

Move the top row left once, the fifth column down once, and the third column up once. From here, move the third row to the right.

Round 8-7

Password: K.Y6VY?

Move the fourth row to the left once, the third column up once, the fourth row to the left once, and the second row to the right once.

Round 8-8

Password: 8JF6VGW

Move the third row to the left once, the top row to the right once, the second column down once and the fourth column up once.

Round 8-9

Password: D3C6VLV

Move the top row to the left once, the bottom row to the right once, the third column down once, the second row to the right once, and the fourth column down once.

Round 8-10

Password: 66.6V42

Move the bottom row left twice, move the second column down twice, and the first column down twice. You're done.

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