Tuesday, December 10, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Cool Spot (GEN/MD) - Part 3 of 6

...and with this, we are now officially halfway through the game.

Toying Around

You'll need 60% coolness to reveal the cage and complete the stage.

This time around, you're in a toy store. Enemies here include wind-up chattering teeth, bouncing slime balls that split into several smaller balls, toy robots that shoot projectiles as they walk back and forth and toy race cars.

There are thumbtacks littered around the stage, but at least they're easier to jump between this time around.

Be sure to look behind things like boxes, shoes, toy cars, stacks of coins, spools of thread, dice and playing cards for hidden spots, 7-Up logos and clocks. Also, try to go through big boxes to search for hidden passage. You may find health pick-ups and maybe an extra life.

The UFO platforms are in this stage, but they are not as numerous as before.

The shoelaces act like ropes that you can climb up and down on.

The gray ball with the red spots cannot be destroyed. Just jump over it.

Radical Rails

You'll need 60% coolness to reveal the cage and complete the stage.

There are no enemies here; instead, there area a lot of slopes that you'll have to jump up and slide down to find all the spots in. There are also a ton of tumbes that will take you upwards if you walk into them. There are not a lot of clocks here, so get to where you need to go for spots and coolness points and get there fast.

At the top of the stage, look for sparkles. You'll grab a 7-Up icon for more coolness. At the bottom of the stage, there will be a conveyor belt that will take to the right to the tubes. One of them will lead you to the cage.

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