Monday, December 30, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge - Part 2 of 6

Another video, another castle with its own individual enemies and hazards.

Rock Castle

At the beginning, you'll fight mud men that drop from the ceiling. After one hit, they fall apart, but they die on the second hit. The bats will always fly around in random diagonal directions.

Keep an eye on the holes in the walls, as some frog creatures will leap out of them. The best way to take them out is by hitting them while they are still in the holes, but if they come out, you can hit them while ducking as they jump back and forth. The projectile power-up for the whip will make fighting them even easier.

When you reach the spike walls, watch for the the circles in the walls to flash twice. That is your cue to jump onto the top of the spikes that protrude out. By getting the timing down, you'll be able to get to the top of the room without being stabbed to death.

There will be another spike wall on the way down. Jump to the left before you reach the rope. There will also be a third one after that. For this one, you'll want the top spike to extend to the right. When it starts shooting out, get on it and hurry right, and jump to the platform where the other rope is when you're done. You can either get there as soon as you drop into the room, or you can wait and watch the pattern of the wall spikes before doing it then.

When you reach the area with the stalactite ceiling, be careful when hitting the candles. If you hit all the candles that are currently on the screen, you will make the room dark and the worm enemies will move back and forth. You'll have to progress to get another candle to show up, which will light the room back up and make the worms stop moving. Next time, be more careful with the candles, will ya?

You'll also meet the rolling eyeballs when you reach the rope leading downwards. If you hit them, they will explode.

When you reach the spiked crusher that moves up and down, you can get on top of the spike trap, duck down near the column and hit the column with the whip until the trap falls so you can continue on. If you have the projectile power-up for the whip, this is even easier, since you can destroy the column from the rope without having to kneel on top of the trap to begin with.

After a dagger demon, you'll be in the chamber lead to the boss. Drop down the rope, then try to hit as many of the candles as you can for some stuff. From there, you're in the boss battle room.

The boss here is a big demon with a sword. Strike twice with the whip, move back to keep from being slashed at by the demon's sword, and keep going until the boss' armor comes off. At this point, the boss will jump around and shoot energy beams out of the sword. If you have the Holy Water, you can climb all the way up the rope, use the Control Pad to get Christopher to face the center of the room then keep throwing Holy Water from the top of the rope to hit the boss from above. Just make sure you have plenty of health if you do this; you will be taking hits.

If not, or if you have low health, keep in mind that the demon will land either on the left side, the center of the room and the right side when it jumps around, and that you'll have to ready to move under the demon as it jumps and duck underneath the projectiles in order to avoid them. However you do it, it won't be long until you beat this boss.

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