Monday, December 16, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Yoshi's Cookie (Super NES) - Part 6 of 29

Welcome to the harder levels of Puzzle Mode.

Round 6

Round 6-1

Password: L1ZSVY?

Move the first column up once, move the top row to the left once, then move the last column down once. From there, move the bottom row to the right.

Round 6-2

Password: Z7BSV5V

Move the second row to the left once, then move the last column up twice. Move the last row to the right once, then move the last column up. Move the second column down, then move the third column down. You're done.

Round 6-3

Password: F08SVLV

Move the bottom row to the right once, then move the first column up once. Move the third row to the right once, then move the bottom row to the right once.

Round 6-4

Password: 3JPSV42

Move the top row to the right once, then move the bottom row to the left once. Move the second column up once, then move the second column down. Move the third column down, and you're done.

Round 6-5

Password: 99LSVY5

Move the second column up once, then move the last column down. From here, move the second column down once and move the bottom row to the right.

Round 6-6

Password: 2Q0SV6R

Move the second column down once, then move the third column down once. After you get rid of some cookies, perform those two moves again. You're done.

Round 6-7

Password: KWV?V0R

Move the fourth row to the right once. From there, move the second column down once, then move the fourth column up once.

Round 6-8

Password: 16J?VGJ

Move the fourth row to the left twice, then move the second column up once, and move the third column up once.

Round 6-9

Password: F8W?V5J

Move the fifth column up once, then move the bottom row to the right. You're done.

Round 6-10

Password: H.G?VGW

Move the bottom row to the right twice, then move the fifth column up.

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