Saturday, December 7, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Donkey Kong Land 2 - Part 13 of 15

Just when you thought you were done...

All maps by Shiny.

The Flying Krock

Screech's Sprint

Bonus areas: One (1)

The first bonus area is right after the start. Just before the DK barrel at the start, go all the way down the vine. Jump over all the bramble walls, deal with the Klick-Klacks and avoid the Zingers, and the final Kremkoin will be yours.

After you hit the checkpoint, you'll race Screech just like in Country 2. Once again, you have to race Screech to the finish, and if Screech makes it to the end first, you'll lose the race and a life and you'll be forced to start the race all over again. Thankfully, you can get rid of the Zingers in your path by hitting them with your eggs. All that's left is to make to the end first and do it without running into the walls.

When the race begins, go all the way left after going all the way up. You'll get the DK Coin on your way down.

If you take the upper path at the first fork, you'll get the N.

Near the end of the race, you can go up or down. If you go down, you'll have a more narrow passage to go through, but it is a lot shorter.

K. Rool Duel

Unlike in Country 2, Kaptain K. Rool is much easier to fight.

Jump over the cannonball, then jump on the barrel he shoots afterwards. Grab the cannonball and throw it at K. Rool while he sucks you towards him with his gun (which is replaced with the wind, interestingly). If you try to ram it into him, he will hit you. Jump over the cannonball when it shoots back out of his gun. Jump over K. Rool as he charges at you repeatedly, then jump over the cannonballs until he shoots another barrel. Jump on the barrel, grab the cannonball, throw it at him, and jump over the cannonball when it comes back out of his gun. The attack cycle will repeat again, but this time you'll have to jump over four cannonballs before you can get your barrel.

If you miss a barrel at any time, K. Rool will charge back and forth before you can get another barrel.

After three hits, you'll get a DK barrel for a free hit, and you'll want to use it immediately. Once you get in another hit, it disappears. Jump over hitm as he charges. This time, K. Rool will shoot low, medium and high cannonballs. Jump over the low and medium ones, and don't jump into the high ones. After the cannonballs, which go low, high, middle, low, high, low and high, you'll get another barrel. You know what to do.

After the fourth hit, he will delay the second charege a little bit. He will then shoot spiked cannonballs that bounce. Some bounce low or medium and must be jumped over; others bounce high and can be stood or ran under. Once you get past all of those, you get one more cannonball, and you'll get the first ending for the game, complete with a roll call of all of the characters in the game. But the best is yet to come...

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