Saturday, December 14, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Yoshi's Cookie (Super NES) - Part 2 of 29

The difficulty hasn't gone up yet, so you'll get some more easy puzzles here.

Round 2

Round 2-1

Password: 54TLVY2

Move the second column up once, followed by moving the third column down once.

You can also move the first column down once, then move the third column up once.

Also, you could move the first column up once, then move the second column down once. The choice is yours.

Round 2-2

Password: 0JYLV6W

Move the second column up once, then move the fifth column down once.

Round 2-3

Password: NH4LVYV

Move the bottom row to the right once, then move the third column up once.

Round 2-4

Password: BX6LV65

Move the top row left twice or right twice.

Round 2-5

Password: Z6QLV52

Move the left-most column up once, and move the right-most column up once.

Round 2-6

Password: FLDLV4J

Move the fourth column down twice. This one is simpler than it looks.

Round 2-7

Password: HZZLV0W

This is a more complex version of 2-3. Move the fourth column down one, then move the bottom row to the left twice. Move the fourth column up twice or down twice, and you're done. When the bottom row is all hearts, you're in the clear.

Round 2-8

Password: R?XLVGJ

Move the fourth column up once, then move the fifth column down once. Move the top row to the right once. You're done.

Round 2-9

Password: 0M8LV0V

Move the fifth column up one, then move the third column down until you run out of moves.

Round 2-10

Password: B!PLV6?

Move the second row to the right once, then move the middle column down once.

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