Monday, December 9, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Cool Spot (GEN/MD) - Part 1 of 6

This game is pretty fun, even if it's a bit unorthodox in some ways such as not having any bosses.

At the start of the game, you get a brief overview of what to do: release other Cool Spots from cages by throwing projectiles at the locks. Collect 1-Up icons for extra lives, and flasks of 7-Up for health. Collect 7-Up logos and spots to increase your Cool Meter; having the meter at 100% will net you a big point bonus. Also, follow the hands that point in the direction you need to go.

Shell Shock

You'll need 60% coolness to reveal the cage and complete this stage.

The controls are very simple: Left and Right let you move around, Down lets you duck and look down, Up lets you look up, B lets you fire projectiles and C lets you jump. I keep jumping a lot because jumping is faster than walking, and Cool Spot is pretty slow unless you go left or right for a second.

Aside from your Cool Meter, your lives, your score, the amount of time you have left and the high score, you also have a picture of Cool Spot himself on the HUD at the top of the screen. As you take damage, the picture of Cool Spot will peel off the HUD; after enough damage, it will peel off completely and you will lose a life. Also, if you run out of time (indicated in the upper-right hand corner), you will immediately lose a life. It should be mentioned that you'll get an extra life every 75,000 points.

The crabs will lean out of the holes to pinch, but you can take them down with projectiles. Thankfully, the projectiles are fast and you have an unlimited amount of them. The dragonflies will shoot projectiles, but you can aim your projectiles at them with the control pads. The hermit crab uses their shells for defense, but they are vulnerable when they come out. After one hit, they lose their shell and are in their underwater; after another hit, they are defeated.

Be sure to look high and low for spots in this level; you'll find some in the cushions of the deck chair shortly after the start. and there is a set of balloons above the start that you can grab onto the strings of in an attempt to get from one balloon to another. If you reach this point, you can jump onto the bubbles to bounce off them and towards another balloon. Thankfully, the bubbles re-spawn.

The Cool Spot flag acts as a checkpoint that you can return to if you lose a life, and the clock adds 30 seconds to your time.

When you have a high enough percentage on the Cool Meter, you can find the cage and shoot the lock on it to free the imprisoned Cool Spot inside. After completing a stage, you'll get a bonus for all the unused time that you have, and you'll also get points for how many points you have on the Cool Meter at the end of the stage. All the while, Cool Spot will be dangling on a balloon, and the more points you get, the higher it will go. If you do very well, you'll get a 1-Up here.

Bonus Level

If you do really well in a stage - 85% coolness or more - you can get a bonus level. Here, you'll bee inside a bottle of 7-Up. Bounce off bubbles to pick up 7-Up logos and spots, and collect the letters that spell "UNCOLA" to get continues. (If you're playing the European Mega Drive version, you'll be spelling out the word "VIRGIN" instead, as Virgin Games published and developed the game.) Usually, the lettes will be at the very top; you just have to figure out how to get to them. If you can get 100% coolness, you can get an extra life and bonus points for every second left on the clock. Thankfully, there are a few clocks you can pick up to increase your time spent in here.

The bonus levels start off easy, but as you go, there will be mines that will explode when you run into them and damage you, and if you either die or run out of time in the bonus level, you get kicked out.

If you collect all six "UNCOLA"/"VIRGIN" letters, you'll stop going to the bonus areas, as the game will know you've completed them all.

Pier Pressure

You'll need 60% coolness to reveal the cage and complete the stage.

You can climb on the ropes in this dock. Just jump into them and hold Up or Down. Thankfully, when on ropes or in the air, you can fire projectiles in eight directions by aiming with the Control Pad. If you run into the knot, the knot will act as a wall that you cannot move through.

Enemies here include inchworms that go up and down the ropes, crabs that move back and forth. bees that fly erratically and can get you when you least expect them to, yellow fish that stick their heads out of water puddles and spit projectiles at an angle and clams that spit projectiles at you and are only vulnerable to attack when they open up.

Do not attack enemies through walls; some of them will leave 7-Up flasks for health, and if you off-screen them, they disappear forever.

If you see an opening in a pillar, you can walk through it. Be sure to jump straight up while inside these pillars; you may find spots.

Hazards include splinters in teh wooden platforms throughout the level as well as metal jacks that are littered throughout the stage.

The nails stuck to the walls act as platforms, and you can stand on them if you can jump onto them.

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