Friday, April 5, 2019

newfiebangaa plays Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck (SMS) - Part 4 of 5

Donald Duck's adventure continues into a volcano, where the last treasure is located deep within.

The Volcano

The jewel made of fire will light the way.

Scene 1: Volcano 1

The bats will simply fly forward.

The moles will pop out of the floor and throw rocks at you, but you can jump on the rocks.

The crickets will jump back and forth.

The craters will shoot out lava, which will push a rock upwards to use as a platform.

In the second section, the bats will keep reappearing from certain spots and fly towards you as you make your way down.

When the screen shakes, watch out for rocks from above. Be ready to hide some where so rocks don't hit you. 

The boulders moving back and forth in the spike pits allow you to get over the pits.

Scene 2: Volcano 2

The boulders will now be in lava. At least the lava isn't instant death.

Doors in the wall will lead you to new areas.

The flames move in a sine wave pattern. Some flames will come out of the lava and slowly move straight up.

There are also narrow platforms that sink in and out of the lava. Time your movements so that you get on them when they are coming up, and get to the next one.

The spiders swing back and forth like a pendulum.

You'll eventually enter a vertical auto-scrolling section where the lava rises from the bottom...and you can't afford to slow down here. Some platforms will rise with the lava, but will eventually be gotten rid of when they hit a ceiling. 

When you reach the rock at the end, you'll be running across the volcano. Be ready to jump over boulders that come at you from both sides of the screen, and should you fall into the lava pit, it will not instantly kill you. When you reach the end, a rock will hit a wall, revealing the Ruby of Fire, giving you one more treasure and ending the level.

With all four treasures, Donald will throw the treasures in a sacred lake in the middle of the island to reveal the shrine. Welcome to the final area!

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