Friday, April 26, 2019

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy IV (Super Famicom) - Part 4 of 70

Our journey takes us to the village of Mist, but it soon becomes apparent that the King is not only shadier than ever, but completely corrupt.

The Sword Rat will counter physical attacks in case you do not kill it in one shot.

When you near the end of the cave, the mystery voice will tell you to leave now. This is your chance to make sure that Cecil and Kain are all healed up, as a big battle is approaching.

When you approach the stairs, the voice will identify Cecil, and declare that no harm will come if he and Kain turn back. When the voice asks if you still insist on proceeding, select Yes with the A button. A fog will surround Cecil and Kain, leading to the first boss battle of the game.

The first boss of the game is the MistDragon. Have Cecil use normal attacks and use Kain's jump at every opportunity. When the MistDragon turns into mist, do not attack; otherwise, you will miss, and the MistDragon will counter with Cold Mist, which will hurt both Cecil and Kain (unless Kain is somehow in mid-air during this attack). Wait for the MistDragon to turn back into the original dragon form before attacking again, and use the wait as an opportunity to heal Cecil and Kain back up. Thankfully, when all this happens for the first time, the game hints at when the MistDragon is turning into fog and when the MistDragon changes back, and you can figure out when to attack and not attack. If you attack early enough before the MistDragon is about to change back, you can get three Jump attacks in with Kain.

Eventually, you will take the MistDragon down, and you can go up the stairs and head east to Mist. Be sure to save before you enter so you don't have to worry about facing the first boss again (and be sure to save after beating a boss, period).


When you enter the village of Mist, the Bomb Ring will glow, and a bunch of Bombs will surround the village before tearing the village apart. Cecil and Kain will find out too late that they were sent here by King Baron to destroy the town for the King's nefarious purposes. Talk about an all-time low!

Cecil and Kain find a little girl with green hair who is crying due to her mother being dead. She mentions that her mother's dragon died, and with that, so did she. Kain realizes that this girl's mother is a summoner, and when Cecil comes to the realization that killing the MistDragon kiled the girl's mother and that King Baron sent them into the town to kill all the summoners, Cecil and Kain have no choice to but to kill the girl as well under the king's orders; lest they be accused of treason. Cecil questions these orders, but Kain is still loyal to King Baron. Cecil refuses to follow King Baron after all of this, and renounces his loyalties to Baron right then and there. Kain, knowing that Cecil would say this, joins him in rebellion, as he could never perform such a lowly deed as a Dragon Knight no matter how much he owes King Baron. He proposes enlisting the help of other nations by letting them know about Baron's lust for power, and that they also go back to Baron and save Rosa.

Cecil thanks him, even though Kain tells him he is not doing this particularly for him. Kain then mentions that they must leave Mist, as they will not be safe her, and asks what they should do with the girl. Cecil says that she has to go with them, but the girl fights back and takes her anger out on Cecil and Kain for killing her mother and destroying the town when Kain tries to force her to come with them. After she summons Titan and nearly wipes Cecil and Kain out, the path leading to Mist from the cave to the west is blocked off.

When Cecil comes to, Kain is nowhere to be found, but the girl is still nearby and alive, albeit unconscious. When you return to the world map, there will be no way to walk back to Mist, the Cave or Mist or Baron. The only to go back is to go forward.

Head north and east to the village near the desert oasis, and make sure to save before going in.


Cecil will head to the inn, and the innkeeper will tell Cecil to take the girl to the room and not worry about paying. When Cecil places the girl in the bed, she will come to, but will not cooperate with him. Cecil then rests in another bed, then night will fall. A General of Baron will show up with three soldiers, and demand that he turn the girl over so that he will forgive his treachery as it has been deemed dangerous for the people of Mist to even exist. Cecil refuses, and this starts a battle.

For this battle, take out at least two Soldiers before taking out the General for a ton of experience points tat will make it easier to level up and get stronger. If you take out all three Soldiers before fighting the General, the General will run away. If the General goes before the Soldiers do, the remaining Soldiers will bumble around due to lack of leadership. 

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