Saturday, April 27, 2019

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy IV (Super Famicom) - Part 5 of 70



After the battle, the girl will blame herself for everything that has happened after Cecil saved her, but Cecil says he should be the one apologizing and that what he did should not be forgotten. However, the girl does understand that Cecil wants to protect despite the fact that Cecil accidentally killed her mother when he and Kain defeated the Mist Dragon. The girl introduces herself as Rydia, then officially becomes part of the party. 

The next party, Rydia is well again. Rydia is a Summoner, but she does not have much in the way of offense.

The old women at the east side of the inn will tell you about the Sage Tellah and his daughter Anna, and how Anna suddenly ran away from home. Upstairs at the inn is the bar as well as a rather useless message north of the stairs (in the J2e translation, it is for a Kaipo Micro Brew). Here, you will learn about Fabul, which is east of Damcyan, and how one must take the Underwater Channel to pass through. Unfortunately, a strange man has blocked the way for a scholar sitting at a nearby table. You'll also learn that only the royal family can enter Antlion's cave east of Damcyan, and that if ordinary folks were allowed in, all the gems would cause business to boom.

West of the Inn is the Armor Shop. Purchase a Leather Hat for later. If you removed Kain's equipment before heading to Mist, you can get some extra money, but not too much. To equip things, just go to the menu and select Equip, then you can change your weapons, armors and accessories on all the characters from there.

Asking about town will tell you about eight ferocious sea snakes that guard the exit of the Underwater Channel, and that Anna, Sage Tellah's daughter, has fallen in love with a wandering bard. Unfortunately, Tellah would not allow the relationship, so they ran away from Kaipo. You'll also learn that a woman from Baron stumbled into town and was taken to a neighbor's house to recover. Damcyan Castle will be to north, and the prince allegedly has a voice of an angel.

Another villager will recommend that you put Rydia in the back row. To do that, go to the menu, then choose Form. Select Rydia, then move her to either the second or fourth slots in the party. The first, third and fifth slots will all be in the front row. If you choose Change, you will switch the positions around so that first, third and fifth are in the back while second and fourth are in the front. By putting Rydia in the back, she will take less damage, which is a good thing since she does not have a lot of HP.

North of the inn is a dancer, and if you talk to her, she does a dance that involves synchronized swimming.

One of the pots north of the Weapon Shop contains an Ether.

In the house north of the weapon shop, you will find out that a woman collapsed in the village and was calling out for Cecil. Going north here will reveal that this woman is Rosa, who unfortunately has a case of desert fever. To cure her, you must find the "Light of the Desert," an elusive gem found only in the Antlion's lair. In other words, you're going to have to head east of Damcyan and enter the cave with Damcyan royalty after getting past sea snakes and an old man to get to Damcyan in the first place...but how?

If you interact with the bookcase near the old man in the north end of that house, you'll learn that the Light of the Desert is the only cure for desert fever.

Before you head onward, battle enemies in the desert near Kaipo and bring Rydia to Level 5, so she can learn a Lightning-based spell. You'll need it for the Underwater Channel. Having Rydia use the Rod as in item will alolow her to do more damage than she normally would, especially since she is in the back. To do that, go to the Item list, press Up, then press A twice on the rod and target the enemy you want to use it as an item against. Be sure to heal at the inn if you need to.

As you power Rydia up to Level 5, she will learn Ice and Cure before learning Bolt.

Sand Sahags are weak to Ice. Hopefully Rydia will have learned it by then, even though she will only have so many MP. Sand Worms are nothing special, so attack them however you want.

The path to the Underwater Channel is northeast of Kaipo.

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