Monday, April 8, 2019

newfiebangaa plays Ax Battler: A Legend of Golden Axe - Part 3 of 4

Can you believe how short this game is?

To the west of the pyramid as well as the desert itself is the town of Southwood.


You'll hear about a forest on the other side of the nearby cave from the villagers. Another villager, should you have the Key at this point, will tell you that the pattern on the key is also found in the nearby cave. You'll soon find out that you'll need the Key in order to move out to sea and get elsewhere.

In this town's training room, you'll face a Bad Bra. (Bad Brother) Keep backing away, and when the Bad Brother execute the shoulder tackle, turn around and whack him, then keep repeating the pattern. Winning here nets you the Super Swing, which allows you to do more damage by holding Up and pressing 1 while on the ground.

Your next destination is the cave to the west.

Cursed Cave

The skull heads that tumble down the stairs can easily be destroyed with the Super Swing, while the spiders that shoot four fireballs downwards can easily be downed with the Jump Swing.

Despite its appearance, the green water does not harm you. It also moves you around, so you can use the water to get over the low ceiling in one part to get to the end.

The red hedgehogs attack just like the gray ones.

Holes in the wall shoot slow-moving arrows. Watch out.

You'll meet the Knight for the first time after you leave the cave. Wait for him to stop and slash at you - which he will fail at miserably. After the slash, walk up just a little bit and execute a Super Swing, then get away. Keep doing this until he falls.

Northwest of the cave is the town of Brookhill.


You'll hear about the Maze Forest to the south from the villagers, and that you can get lost in there if you're not careful.

The soldier in the middle of town will give you a Compass if you talk to him. Take it.

The inn here costs eight magic vases.

The old man near the training room will tell you to search under a tree far to the west of the Maze Forest.

In this town's training room, you'll face a Knight. If you have faced them before outside of the village, you'll know what to do here. Beating the Knight will give you the Tackle. Double-tap left or right to run, then press 1 to perform a shoulder tackle. By learning this move, you'll also learn how to run.

Past the bridge southwest of the town (and west of the exit from the cave) is Maze Forest.

Maze Forest

The bats will swoop at you from above, so tread slowly. The wolves will jump up from the tree stumps and charge at you.

The werewolf will jump up and down and cause projectiles to drop down from above around it, but you can easily tell where the projectiles are going to drop down from. If you shoulder tackle them while they come down, you can knock them out of the way immediately.

The tree to search is the one surrounded by gray land titles to the west of the Maze Forest exit. By using the Search command on it, you'll find a Fruit. From here, head back to Brookhill and cross the nearby bridge. (Thankfully, you won't have to go through an action scene when you go back through the Maze Forest again). Follow the path, and you'll end up at Gayn Mountain.

Gayn Mountain

At the beginning, be ready to jump over the boulders that bounce towards you. The lizard that comes out of the wall shoots blue fire at you, but you can easily walk away from him. Use the shoulder tackle to break the wall.

At the waterfall, wait for the log to show up (which takes forever), then keep jumping to the right. The ground will start forming pits at this point; keep going to avoid them as well as the boulders. At the end, you'll take a ride on an eagle and land on the Great Great Eagle.

Great Great Eagle

Defeat the Skeletons that pop out of the ground with the Super Swing. Tread slowly so you can catch them.

At the front of the eagle, drop down and defeat the Chicken Legs, then make your way to the right to cross the bridge and end this area.

The Neo Ske. (Neo Skeleton) will try to attack you with a jumping downward stab. When it leaps up, move away, then turn around and hit it with a Super Swing when it lands.

The Neo Kni. (Neo Knight) is rather fast and will move back and forth. After the fake-out where it goes back, forward and back, execute the Super Swing.

One of the enemies on the path after the Great Great Eagle is D. Adder (Death Adder). Jump straight up over the trail of fire when it travels across the ground, then hit him with a Super Swing when he rears his ax back.

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