Thursday, April 25, 2019

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy IV (Super Famicom) - Part 2 of 70

And now...our adventure begins!

To talk to people, walk up to them, face them and press A. Press A to go through the conversation that results.

The two men standing next to the door leading to the path to the throne will tell you not to get ideas if you value your life, and acknowledge that people are saying things about King Baron. If you try to enter the throne room again, the guard will tell you that King Baron is angry at you and will refuse to speak to you until you deliver the Bomb Ring to Mist.

To the west of the door leading up to the small room leading to the throne are two soldiers you can talk to, and to the east are two soldiers and Kain. If you talk to Kain, he will tell Cecil not to apologize as he defended him out of his own free will. Cecil goes on to talk about his mission as well as having learned the art of the Dark Sword as ordered by King Baron. He goes on to say he should be using his skills to defend Baron, not harming innocent people. Cecil wants to clear his conscience, but Kain tells him not to be so hard on himself, as the King has a good reason for his actions, that he raised him and Cecil as his own sons and would never do anything less than honorable. Cecil envies Kain's faith in King Baron, saying that he spoke of Kain's father, who had the same unwavering loyalty. Kain says that his father was also a Dragon Knight, and had he mastered the art of the Dark Sword as King Baron commanded, he would have advanced up the ranks like Cecil did. However, he felt it was his duty to honor his father and follow in his path. Sadly, his father died while he was young, and sometimes he wishes his father could see him today and hopefully be proud of him. Kain says he often has moments of quiet reflection when he can feel his spirit within him, guiding him. He then apologizes to Cecil for rambling, and tells Cecil he should be worrying more about tomorrow. After seeing tomorrow's mission as a bit of a competition, Kain says they must get an early start, and tells Cecil to get some rest.

One of the two soldiers sitting north of Kain will tell you that Mist is northwest of Baron, and is said to always be enshrouded in a deep fog. The other one says that the Bomb Ring is guaranteed to be delivered to Mist is Kain and Cecil team up.

Your next act is to head to your quarters and sleep there to advance the plot, but you are free to talk to more people. To the south, there are two stairways leading down. The west stairway leads to the Black Magic Clasroom, while the east stairway leads to the White Magic Classroom. One of the Black Magicians will tell you that some monsters are immune to Fire, Thunder and/or Ice Magic, and that there used to be magic stronger than that at one time. One of the White Magicians in the White Magician Classroom will tell you that Rosa became a White Magician so she could help you, and asks you not to worry her, while another notices that King Baron is as energetic as ever while admitting that something is strange about him. A third one will tell you that there are three levels of White Magic, such as Cure, Cure 2 and Cure 3.

There is a soldier near a wall blocking some chests, and gives you permission to hit the switch and take the things inside for your mission to Mist. To open the way to the treasure, go up to the switch behind him, look at it and press A to uncover a hidden door leading to the treasure. Inside the nearby treasure chest are 480 Gil (Gil is the currency for this game), an Ether and a Tent. An Ether will refill some MP (Magic Points), while a Tent can be used in the overworld to heal the entire part for one use only.

There is a stairway leading up to the east from there. Go further east down the next flight of stairs. You can press the switch to open a door leading to more treasure, but the soldier guarding it is situated in such a way that you won't be able to go over there. Just go through the door to the south. The two guys outside will mention Cid as well as working them to the bone to maintain the airships. Going north from here leads to a tower that is currently off-limits.

Go all the way back. If you leave through the south, you won't be able to leave the castle, and you won't learn anything of importance. Instead go west, take the stairs, go down the next flight of stairs and you'll eventually be met by Rosa, who is grateful that Cecil is all right. Cecil talks about his mission in Mysidia, then Rosa tells Cecil she will come to his room later before leaving. From here, you have control of Cecil again.

Go south. To the west is the dungeon. You can talk to the magicians from Mysidia who did resist and got locked up in Baron as a result, and you can talk to them through the bars. They don't tell you anything other than to return the Water Crystal to Mysidia and that the crystal is not just an ordinary crystal.

Leave the dungeon area, then go north. You will be met by Cid, who is in the northeast corner. He will meet up with Cecil, chew him out for worrying his daughter Rosa, then asks how his airships are doing before Cecil tells Cid about what is going on. Cid will be shocked at Cecil's sudden demotion and wonder what is going on with King Baron, saying that he wants a new model of airship. Cid, on the other hand, does not want to turn his airships into war machines. He also says that the townsfolk of Baron are confused about what has been going on as of late. He then returns home, and you have control of Cecil again.

There will be two doors to the north. The one on the left leads to a tower, while the one on the right is the soldiers' quarters. Some soldiers will be sleeping or healing up, while others will be sitting at a table trying to forget what happened at Mysidia and regretting what they have recently done. There are stairs leading upwards, but we aren't going up them just yet.

The tower leads to Cecil's bedroom. Talk to the maid blocking the path to the third floor, and she will tell you she changed the sheets before wishing you a good night. Walk into the bed, and Cecil will sleep, but not before wondering why King Baron is acting like he is after having been a knight and man of valor and kindness for so long. He also wonders if taking the Water Crystal from Mysidia by force was necessary, and feels that he and his men have sunk to a new low, even under orders. Rosa then shows up in Cecil's bedroom. She knows about Cecil's mission to deliver the Bomb Ring to the village of Mist now, and mentions that Cecil has been acting strange since he came back. Cecil tries to shrug it off, but then tells Rosa about the Red Wings' mission in Mysidia and how he feels he is turning almost as evil as his dark armor. Rosa tells Cecil he is not like that, but Cecil feels like a spineless pawn of the King. Rosa says that this is not like Cecil, and says the Cecil she knows would not whimper like this. She gets worried that something will happen to Cecil tomorrow on the way to Mist, but Cecil tells Rosa that Kain will be with him. Rosa tells Cecil to be careful, then she leaves. Cecil wonders what to do after this, then the screen fades to black.

The next morning, Cecil automatically makes his way to the main hallway leading out of the castle, meeting Kain on the way. Kain joins Cecil's party, then the two of them leave Baron Castle. After this, you see a recap of the prologue, complete with slow moving text, before regaining control in the overworld.

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