Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Kikoskia plays Barbie: Vacation Adventure (Sega Genesis) - Part 4 of 5

Barbie heads back home for a scavenger hunt!


After changing the color of Barbie's dress, you'll be able to head back home.

Back home, everyone will have thrown a party for Barbie, and the presents are hidden all over the house. There are some hints in the form of riddles to clue you in on where they are.

The cursor will be heart, and you move it with the Control Pad and press a Button to move Barbie to that position. You'll have to do this in order to move around and open doors to other rooms.

When you find a present, you'll have to help Barbie guess what the thing is. Look at the gift, then move a cursor to the left or right arrows and press a button to cycle through the choices. When you have the right answer, move the cursor to the picture and press the button. You'll know if you got it right. Thankfully, the correct choice will look just like the gift.

Open these to bring sunshine in, it's the luck of the draw - so now begin! It's the blinds in the pink living room.

Beneath the looking glass in a young girl's room - search around and you'll find it soon! It's the mirror in the upstairs right-hand bedroom.

The mountains keep a special secret! It is the portrait of the mountains in the study. Behind the picture is a safe containing the gift.

Hickory-dickory-dock, what is that beside the clock? It is the chair to the left of the grandfather clock in the front room.

Old Mother Hubbard may have hidden something else besides a bone! On the right side of the living room is the kitchen. One of the cupboards will contain the gift.

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