Wednesday, April 17, 2013

UsaSatsui plays King's Quest V for NES - Part 6 of 8

In this installment, we deal with a pair of mischievous man-eating harpies and meet a mermaid! Could this possibly get any better?

You are now in the two-headed roc's nest. Pick up the shining object next to you - it's a golden locket. Since you fed the eagle, he'll show up in the nick of time to rescue you and drop you off in yet another part of Serenia - his home, perhaps?

Anyway, pick up the iron bar. Then go down, and then ring the bell at the house that looks like the fore of a half-buried ship. (Hey, don't look at me, that's what it looks like it's converted from.) It turns out the old man in the house is hard of hearing. Go back up, and head towards the shore on the right side of the screen. The boat has a hole in it, so plug it up with the beeswax before you get in.

When you're finally sailing the seas, go down one screen and right three. Going anywhere else will kill you via giant squid. (Nice way to tell me I'm going the wrong way by having a giant squid grab my boat and drag it down underwater with me, game.) Before you can do anything, a harpy carries you and Cedric off to her sister. They introduce themselves as Minotta (the one who got you) and Cruleena (her sister). Quickly use the harp and you'll distract them - Minotta will take the harp and Cruleena will chase after her. Once they're gone, grab the shiny object next to King Graham - it's a fishhook. Go left, and pick up Cedric. Graham will take him to the boat. Before you leave, pick up that flashing object. It's a shell!

Get back on the boat and keep going left. You'll end up back at the old man's house. Ring the bell and give him the shell. (o hay that rhymes) He'll let you bring Cedric into the house and heal him with a few poultices. Then, he'll call out a mermaid named Pearl who will lead you to Mordack's island.

Once you're there, pick up that yellow object near the wall before going in. Use the crystal shard on one of the statues after you go inside to reflect their magic back at them.

Go around the front door by taking the path to the left. Don't fall! You'll come across an iron grate. Open it with the iron bar, then goi inside it by using the hand on it. Next time...maze time!

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