Friday, April 26, 2013

Kikoskia plays Wario Blast! featuring Bomberman - Part 7 of 8

The guiding arrows are back? Joy.

Level 7


0:16 - He won't get out of that.

0:31 - Neither will he.

0:55 - Suicide'd!

1:05 - Suicide'd! Again!

1:26 - Trounce'd!

1:30 - Trounce'd! Again!

1:33 - Another draw.

1:46 - Close enough.

1:53 - I kick your bomb! Now I keel you!

2:08 - This "no bomb" curse isn't really working out for these guys.

2:25 - Another Trouncing.

2:30 - Well, that's nice.

2:43 - This'll fix 'im.

2:46 - Kikoskia comes this close to a Game Over.

3:06 - Enjoy your bomb.

3:12 - Finally!

Level 7 Boss

Get close enough to him so he spins his sword, as this is when you want to attack hi. If he tosses it at you, he's still vulnerable.

Despite taking about eight or nine hits, he's still pretty easy.

Level 8

No items. Before you say "WUT," remeber that you can already throw down with four far-reaching bombs at the very start of the level. Go for it!

4:57 - Trap'd!

5:12 - In record time.

5:37 - Dead again.

6:03 - Some action that ends in "'d!"

6:27 - Even in the last level, the AI isn't very smart. It just...isn't.

6:36 - Well, he's gone.

6:56 - Suiide Bomberman. He kills himself and Kikoskia with Liner.

7:11 - Wrong place, wrong time.
7:29 - A last-second double kill! The first one couldn't escape, while the second just waltzed right into it.

7:48 - Game over, man!

8:10 - Sorry, you lose.

8:17 - He got lucky against that bomb blast, but not this time.

8:22 - ...and there's the first of two.

8:37 - The suicides just keep on coming!

8:39 - Plus, we tackle this guy at the same time! Score!

8:41 - Then it becomes a draw in four seconds flat. Oh, dear god, what just happened.

8:51 - He walked right into this one.

9:00 - Corner'd!

9:09 - DERP

9:26 - So much for that. Now we have to start over. Again.

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