Saturday, April 27, 2013

Kikoskia plays Wario Blast! featuring Bomberman - Part 8 of 8

Finally! Let's finish this!

Level 8


0:05 - That was quick. And fail.

0:10 - Get bent.

0:16 - Trapped yet again. This round requires a lot of patience if you want to do something like this.

0:30 - Another speed bag.

0:35 - A rather intricate double kill.

Level 8 Boss

Final Boss time! Yeah!

This guy has three forms and can be particularly nasty at the beginning if you don't know what to do.

First Form

You'll have to hit him when the missile pod door below his head is open. Rush up to him at the very beginning of the fight, use Liner, then get out of the way. When he takes damage, rush him again and do the same thing. Do this three times...and quickly!

Basically, the way this works, you'll take the missile down and hit him right when he launches another one. You'll have to be quick if you want to do this. At least you won't have the rare possibility to deal with a stray missile while he enters his second form.

Kikoskia's strategy involves dropping the bombs in an L pattern and staying out of the way while the missile gets destroyed, while the boss walks into it and fires the missile just before the explosion disappears. It takes a little more time, but it's not as high-risk. He can also fire lasers at you if you're too close.

He will fire lasers at you in this form if you're close enough, making for some cheap deaths. And if you die here, you have to start all the way back at the boss's first form.

Second Form

When he launches his fist at you, hit him with an explosion while they're still flying around. Again, it's another three hits.

At this point, the battle's much easier.

Third Form

It's just his head now.

All you have to do is hit him while he fires those four corner lasers. You can also hit him when he shakes, as it's part of his attack.

Three more hits and you're done! Enjoy the one-screen ending!

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