Sunday, April 28, 2013

TheUtilityMan plays The Three Stooges for NES - Part 1 of 3

Shortly before blog #400 on the old GameTrailers blog, the new Three Stooges movie came out. Not surprisingly, it took me until a few days before the movie's release to come to the thought of doing a guide for this, since I forgot about the game's existence. Derp.

Anyway, the Three Stooges have to raise money to...get an orphanage. I know, right? If I didn't know any better, I'd say the Farrelly Brothers played this game on way more than one occasion. At least we won't see some chick in a nun bikini or reality TV hijinx here.

If Ma's Orphanage does not pay the rent within 30 days, the banker will repossess the place and the woman in charge will lose everything.

Playing the Game

Each event counts as one day. You much get as much money as you can within 30 events, all of which are based on the classic Three Stooges movies. The endings range from the banker repossessing the orphanage to...well, I'd rather not spoil what the best ending is.

Anyway, on with the show.


The mousetrap acts as a "spin again" space. Sadly, if you lose one of it, you lose one of your fingers. You have four fingers or "lives," and if you lose them all, the game is over.

Landing on the trophy with the word "Boxing" under it will take you to the boxing match.

You have to beat the champion, Killer Killduff, within six rounds. To do that, you'll have to get Larry to run to the radio shop so Curly can hear "Pop Goes The Weasel." Then, you have to make your way back before the end of the sixth round, as indicated by a timer.

If you can make it back before the end of the match, you'll earn $500.

Help Wanted: Doctors

If you land on the space that says "Help Wanted: Doctors," you'll go to the hospital.

Your mission here is to collect as many red crosses as possible in 100 seconds. Use Up and Down to control your speed, and move left and right to avoid obstacles.

If you make it to the operating room at the end of the board, your remaining time will be multiplied by $15, then added to the medical supplies ($5) you pick up.

Your best bet at getting the most money is to stay directly behind the doctor that's in front of you. Getting good at this game will get you a lot of money if you keep getting this one.


The $ symbol takes you to a bag of money, which can range from $100 to $1000. At least there's no work involved.


The "Trivia" square is just that: trivia. Answer a question right and you get $200 for it. Thankfully, Sailor Amaya made a list of every trivia question in the game, which you can find here.

This is obviously the easiest game if you've watched the Stooges's antics over and over again.

Cracker Eating Contest

The trophy with the word "Cracker" underneath it is the cracker eating contest. You'll earn $10 per cracker and $50 per bowl.

Use the Control Pad to guide you to crackers, and press A or B to eat it. You'll want to be quick and accurate, as the oysters in the soup are very much alive and will eat them out from under you. If you can keep them from eating the last cracker in the bowl long enough, you can get some serious cash out of this one.

The Stooges' Antics

If you land on the space with the Stooges causing bodily harm to each other, you'll enter the Stooges mini-game. Sadly, you earn no money from it. However, the cursor becomes either faster or slower on your next move, so play it well.

Pressing different combinations causes Moe to do different stuff. If you hit Larry or Moe, you get more time to make your next move. If you miss, you get less.

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