Sunday, February 17, 2013

Quadraxis14 plays TMNT II: Back From the Sewers for CountyLineGaming - Part 4 of 5

Shredder knows you're getting close and is pulling out all the stops!

Act 5 (continued)

When you finally reach the end, you face Baxter Stockman in his fly form.

He'll go to one side and fly up and down, shooting three times before swooping down and heading to the other side and doing the same thing. Lather, rinse, repeat. It only takes a few shots to get him to buzz off.

When you go into the building, you'll be surrounded by Foot Clan soldiers. When you enter the next room, there will be a pizza power-up waiting. Go left to enter the next room, and fight Lieutenant Granitor, who only appeared in one episode, strangely. He'll follow you around, shoot at you with a flamethrower and roll into you. Avoid him when he's rolling, and stand so that your weapon will hit him just above his legs so that you won't take damage (which takes some practice).

When you beat him, you'll go up the stairs and rescue April O'Neill!

Act 6

This final act starts with some sewer surfin'!


Avoid the mines and the bullets. As you can see, you'll be doing a [b]lot[/b] of jumping and moving around, so be thankful you can do both at the same time! Sometimes, the mines will pop up as you go, making them a little difficult to avoid at times.

The next section has Foot Clan soldiers...and lasers! Avoid the Foot Clan soldiers, since all they do is move quickly towards you and kick, and jump over and duck under the lasers. (This is a little harder than one would think.) You'll soon start seeing Mousers, which you fortunately can destroy. The bad news is, they'll be in threes and fours, which makes it a bit easy to be ambushed by these things...and during all this, you're still having to deal with the lasers. It's enough to make the Angry Video Game Nerd eat the rotten asshole of a roadkill skunk...and down it with beer!


Anyway, when you manage to get past all that, you'll get some pizza and see the Technodrome. (It has to make another appearance, doesn't it?)

This time, you'll be inside the Technodrome, and it'll start caving in as soon as you go inside. You'll jump on a conveyor belt and fight General Traag, who fights a lot like Lieutenant Granitor. (He appeared with Granitor in that same episode. Go figure.) He'll roll around, then fire three times, walk forward, fire three times, walk forward, fire three times, then move back and roll around again. He'll then fire three salvoes of three shots without moving at all and roll around before he repeats his pattern. The best time to hit him is when he's not firing. If somehow you get hit when he's moving forward, get behind him and start swinging until he curls into a ball...that'll learn 'im!

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