Thursday, February 7, 2013

lukenuetzmann plays Super Return of the Jedi - Part 4 of 10

We head to the Great Pit of Carkoon to finish off Jabba the Hutt and his criminal empire once and for all!

Attack on Sail Barge

Default Character: Luke
Others: Han Solo, Chewie

You'll be moving from one sand vessel to another (trying not to land on one going in the opposite direction in an attempt to throw you off) as you make your way to Jabba's main sailbarge.

Droids and seedy gunmen loyal to Jabba flank you at every turn on your way onto the ship, and even when you're there, you'll still have to deal with more Gammorean guards and turrets that blast at you...if the spikes on the platforms don't slash you in the leg first! Thankfully, the turrets fall with a single grenade if you have any.

Once you get high enough on the ship, you'll find a plethora of power-ups and Rebel Alliance icons (and R2-D2!) if you go left first. Go right from there, and you'll fight even more gunmen that rapple off the ropes of the sail barge.

The boss here is yet another weird creature that may or may not be in the movie. I'm not sure. It'll follow you around, leaping at you all the while. Once again, it'll be hard as anything if you try to fight it as Luke, especially since it has a long-range attack where it spins a ball and chain around before it launches it forward at you. Playing as Han or Chewie here is better, as Han's grenades or Chewie's Spin attack will definitely work wonders on this guy. Here's hoping you farmed grenades if you played as Han in this level.

Inside Sail Barge

Default Character: Leia
Others: Han Solo, Chewie

For once, Luke isn't a playable character. That's interesting. However, you do get to play as Leia again...and in that kinky outfit, too! Schwing!

Leia in the harem outfit controls much like Leia Boushh (yes, you can do the energy beam, and I'd recommend it at the boss fight when you confront you-know-who), except for two interesting differences. If you jump, press Y, and then press B, you can do a triple jump. I know, it's awesome. Too bad you can only use Leia in this outfit for this stage only...unless, of course, you use debug mode...

The other difference is with the A button. Unlike in the Boushh disguise, which let you block, doing this lets you perform Leia's spin attack. It's really useful against all the enemies that pop up in the boss battle...but sorry, pervs, you won't see her choking Jabba out with the chain like she did in the movie.

Anyway, there's quite a few traps in this level, such as pistons knocking into your legs, doors that dispense barrels that roll into you, doors that open up and send you into the sand below if you're unwitting enough to stand on them, and of course, the bottomless pit shortly after the beginning of the level. Of course, Leia's triple jump here will put this thing to shame, but if you're playing as Han or Chewie, you'll have to double jump onto the platform like a normal human being. Be careful when you're shooting stuff, as you'll hit the piping. Yes, the flames from that will damage you, but it doesn't take long for the flames to subside. If you go right from this pit with Han or Chewie, you'll find a blaster power-up.

Numerous crates line the floor here, and if you shoot them down or use Chewie or Leia's Spin Attack, you can break them and get some cool power-ups, even thermal detonators. Same thing with the barrels that roll towards you, as lukenuetzmann gets lucky and nabs some Health Swords.

The boss here is...OMFG...Jabba! He's pretty easy if you're playing as Han or Chewie. Just duck down and shoot, and remember to double jump when the platform carrying Jabba charges towards you. If you're playing as Han, chuck grenades at him. It works quite well. It's also pretty easy if you're playing as Leia, but you'll be playing the waiting game for a while. But at least you can still shoot energy beams by holding and releasing Y.

Jabba spits out frogs every so often, and Salacious Crumb shows up every so often as well. Unfortunately, you'll have to preserve health against Jabba, as killing either of these enemies won't give you health. (Salacious deserves to be smacked around. He's annoying, anyway.) If you're going to use Chewie or Leia's spin attack, just be sure to watch out for his tail, as he can and will whip at you with it.

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