Monday, February 4, 2013

DeceasedCrab plays Rockin' Kats (New York Nyankies) - Part 8 of 9

We finally beat up the guy that kidnapped our protagonist's girlfriend! Yay!

Channel 5 Boss

The bulldog boss is evil. He flies on one of the screen and moves up and down to line up perfectly with you, and shoots bullets when you're in range. Any special weapon you got at the store makes sense here, really: the Twin Shot gives you range, the Mace give you stronger hits and the Bomb can hit him multiple times if you can hit him with it at the right moment. The Jet Shoes aren't too bad either, you just might be able to get some shots in if you're farther away from him than you'd like to be.

The bullets can be defeated with the Punch Glove, but the bombs cannot. He'll also switch sides every so often, so be on the lookout for when he does that.

When you do enough damage, you'll knock him out of the Earth and straight to the moon! Willy and Jill will embrace, and the credits will roll.

Well, hope you enjoyed this one.

Yep, hope you did.

I'll show the epilogue next time.

Yes, it will be related to the game, unlike the intermission.

Channel X 

You seriously thought this was the end?

The bulldog boss will challenge you to a rematch, and you'll have to reach him first before you can get to it. Even worse, all your money is gone...and so are your items! And if you lose all your lives, forget going to the shop...the game won't let you!

The first section here is vertical. It should remind you of the first vertical section in Channel 1. Shouldn't be too hard, except there are now dogs shooting guns from pipes and more of those flasher mice.

The second section teleports you to the conveyor belt section of Channel 3. Use the punch glove to get over the spikes by punching down and to the left, since it's the [b]only[/b] thing you can do. If you can launch yourself off one of the green dogs on the pogo sticks, that helps out a lot, too.

The third section is a vertical section with the Channel 4 theme going on. If it doesn't look like any other section from the game, especially from Channel 4, that's because it's actually not from anywhere else in the game. You'll have to alternate between launching yourself off the wall with the Punch Glove and swinging from the tree branches if you have any hope of continuing. 

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