Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Brian Sulpher plays Bart vs. The Space Mutants - Part 2 of 5

Why hasn't Chief Wiggum busted this mall yet for the violations from the cement pits yet? Geez...

Level 2: Hats

The next level has the aliens changing the main ingredients from purple objects to hats. (I know, this makes no sense whatsoever.) You'll now be in the Springfield Mall...and everything purple is blue again!

Keep the X-Ray specs handy at all times, since people will be walking all over the place and you don't want to lose health from hitting an actual human on the head.

The main thing to do here is to collect hats. Whether it's finding them out in the open or knocking them off people's heads, grab as many as you can. You'll be spelling Marge's name here, so hopefully finding the letters for this stage shouldn't be too hard. Also, keep a lookout for coins that pop out when you leap onto the trash cans in this level.

Let the donuts jump over, and get over and under the marshmallows any way that you can (the marshmallows either jump up and down or leap back and forth). You'll soon reach a pit of cement, and the only way across is usually either jumping on candy bars or jumping on lollipops. For the first pit, get on the second candy bar and jump on it three times. It'll automatically take you across the pit. Bet you didn't know that.

The barber poles move up and down at various speeds, so take care as you time your movements around them accordingly. Sometimes, you'll have to jump over them. Use a Super Jump and you won't have to worry about taking unnecessary damage.

You'll then meet Skinner. If you use the X-Ray Specs, you'll find out he's possessed by a space mutant. He'll then throw coins at you (or is he shooting a gun? I can't tell) so jump on his head. Also, take the time to knock the hat off of his head, too. Jump on his head three times to get rid of him and get another letter. You'll then make contact with an escalator that takes you to the second floor.

Once you're there, jump on the first trash can you see and hold Down on the Control Pad. You'll find a hidden room with a bunch of hats in it...score!

Anyway, there should be another human that's possessed by a space mutant; hit him on the head when you discover him to get another letter. The enemies you'll see here are shoes. The first pair you'll see are tennis shoes that walk on their own; the second pair is a pair of ballerina shoes that walk back and forth and leap into the air from time to time.

It's at the ballerina shoes that Brian Sulpher shows us a trick. Get on the trash can near the first pair of ballerina shoes and jump on it five times. You'll get three coins that you'll have to be quick to get. Then get back on it and jump seven times. You'll get five hats to pop out of the can one at a time. Keep jumping and you'll get a Jebediah Springfield head, which makes you invincible. Do it a couple more times, and you'll get a 1-Up. Get back on it, jump 14 times in a row (be careful of those shoes) and a few of the developers' names will pop out. Pick them up and you'll get a buttload of coins.

The third shoe you'll see is a single loafer that moves around similarly to the marshmallows. The cleats move around and try to kick you in the keister, so be careful near them. The boots try to crush you, like the Thwomps in Super Mario Bros. 3. The spring shoes come in pairs, so be ready to run under them. You'll then see another pair of shoes trying to moonwalk. Ha! Michael Jackson reference, that's funny.

You'll then see Smithers again, this time riding in a giant shoe. Ironically, you'll be in front of a store called "The Really Big Shoe." He'll try to stomp on you with this boot. If you can stomp on his head just once, you'll get another letter (if you need it) and the chance to move on. Just be airborne when the boot hits the ground.

You'll then reach the third floor. After a few space mutants, you'll see boxes with legs and heads jutting out of them hopping around, so move accordingly. Looks like a bunch of magician's assistants are pretty mad...

You'll seen see top hats on the ground with rabbits popping out of them. When the rabbits are in the air, quickly run through the top hats to collect them. The rabbits will still be around, so be careful.

The next enemy is a ghost sheet. Wait for it to fly above you before proceeding.

You'll then reach another wet cement pit, this time with magician's wands acting as platforms. What's with all the magic related stuff in this floor of the mall? Is there a surplus of magic props in Springfield? Anyway, jump all the way to the last wand, then jump straight up before crossing to the other side. A Jebediah Springfield head falls from the sky. Get back on the third wand, grab the head, and run past the floating magic rings (which you'd usually have to leap dead center through).

You'll then see bigger magic wands that act like the barber poles from earlier. Once again, jump and move accordingly, since this is nothing new.

You'll then meet Skinner again. This time, he'll teleport from one spot to another and then shoot at you. Hit his head three times and try not to be in close when he attacks.

You'll be at the fourth floor of this mall soon afterward. Run all the way to the right, since there's nothing here except the boss.

The boss here is Mrs. Botz, the Babysitter Bandit. She'll drop suitcases at you. When they hit the floor, touch them so that they hit the guy on their way back up. If you have Marge, she'll shoot some of the suitcases as long as they're directly in front of her and not anywhere near her.

You'll have to make a running jump on the suitcases, then run away so that she'll unwittingly run into them. After five hits, she's history.

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