Saturday, February 9, 2013

lukenuetzmann plays Super Return of the Jedi - Part 8 of 10

"He was armed only with this."

(The Imperial officer hands Darth Vader a Super NES controller. Darth Vader studies it carefully.)

"What was he doing with this archaic device?"

Inside Death Star

Default Character: Luke

A lot of enemies here are from the Shield Generator. The only difference here is that you'll have to get closer to deal damage unless they have a gun, and in that case you can deflect their shots. Unless it's a lightning bolt. Then you'll have to do some evasive maneuvers.

There are doors in the floor again, and this time assassin droids standing on platforms pop out of them to shoot at you. You can't fall through the holes these partitions leave when they open, so they're not that bad.

Almost all of the platforms in this stage fall when you land on them, so you'll have to think fast to get further here. You'll find a good amount of health swords and force power-ups just after the beginning in that first vertical shaft, so the higher you can keep your health and the more you fail to die in this stage, the better. The end of the second vertical shaft as well as the next area you drop down from both carry an extra life. Just go up in both of these areas, jump on the platforms, and you'll get them. By this point, you should have maximum health, as there are even more Health Swords in these little nooks as well.

Before you can continue on, you'll have to face those two robots from the end of the Endor stage again. You can cut some of your workload down by blocking their rapid ion shots with your lightsaber. Just be careful not to let them push you off the platform. Otherwise, you can also use your double-jump.

On Death Star

Default Character: Lando

You're playing the Millennium Falcon again on the surface of the Second Death Star. This time, not only must you destroy 20 TIE Fighters, the control is different this time around.

This is basically like the X-Wing levels from the last two games, except you're shooting one big laser, it's harder to grab the hearts since they move around on you when you get in close to them, and the TIE Interceptors break every law of perspective thanks to Mode 7. Seriously, they're bigger than the Falcon itself.

Best thing to do here is hold the B button down the entire time and keep firing. If you can group some hearts together, you'll give yourself a better chance at refilling your health...or not. Boosting helps, though.

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