Sunday, February 10, 2013

lukenuetzmann plays Super Return of the Jedi - Part 9 of 10

Wait...what are those red things?

Oh,'s the Crimson Guard!


Default Character: Luke

This level may bring bad memories of the last few levels of Super Empire Strikes Back, as it can get disorienting at times and you may find yourself accidentally plummeting to your death because you think you're going in the right direction when you're not.

lukenuetzmann is usually right on the money here, go right until you can't anymore, then go up, then go left. You'll basically be going in a reverse S pattern the entire level, where everything from Imperial Stormtroopers to the enlisted men to the machine guns that appear every couple feet of so to the new flamethrower droids that want you dead. If you find R2-D2, you're on the right track.

Also, if you stand on the edge of the elevators and block, you'll fall off the elevator, yet if you stand in the center and do it, you won't. I blame how the foregrounds are programmed, because that's the only culprit for that which I can think of.

When you meet the robot from the Endor stage (again), you're near the end. Same strategies apply, and this time you won't really have to worry about falling off of a platform. After he goes down, you'll fight off a purple guy in a robe. He looks like a purple recolor of the Crimson Guard, and he goes down in a couple of hits. He'll try to charge at you and also slash you when you're in close. He's not that hard at all.

Tower Entrance - Vader

Default Character: Luke

The Emperor knows you're getting close, and he's sending out the Crimson guard to deal with you. They fight the same way as the purple guy from earlier, and they're not any easier.

The black containers on the floor that look like batteries actually contain Force Power-ups that you can grab if you slash at them. You'll see those on the next level as well.

It won't take very long for you to meet up with Vader. He fights just like he did the first few times you fought him on Super Empire. He falls when you beat him...then it'll be time to face the Emperor.

Emperor's Chamber

Default Character: Luke

I mean, who else is going to fight him?

Anyway, this is not an easy fight. Emperor Palpatine will fly around and shoot Force lightning everywhere. You can deflect it back, but it won't hurt him. The only way to damage him is to use your lightsaber. That's it.

There are several ways you can beat him. You can double-jump around him the entire time and keep Heal equipped, or you can use Vanish and bash at him for as long as you can without impunity until your Force power runs out.

The Force lightning the Emperor shoots around the room actually destroys the stairways, making it easier to accidentally fall to your death. Choose your strategy carefully before you approach the Emperor...remember, getting close to him activates the flag that makes the boss life meter show up and gets the Emperor to start attacking.

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