Wednesday, February 6, 2013

lukenuetzmann plays Super Return of the Jedi - Part 3 of 10

Into the Rancor Pit with you!

Rancor Pit

Default Character: Luke
Others: Han Solo, Chewie

In the movie, Luke Skywalker had it easy. It was just a small, square chamber and it was just him and the Rancor. Here, it's harder because he actually has to find his way to the Rancor in some dimly lit underground tunnel. At least he actually uses his lightsaber this time around.

Also, you finally get to play as Han in all his gun-toting, grenade-tossing glory! Awwwww yeah!

There are a lot of miniature volcanoes on the ground, dinosaur skulls that try to eat you alive (what?) and skeletons of dead creatures that you have to destroy tile set piece by tile set piece just to continue on. Even more new enemies here in the form of slimes with multiple eyes that shoot their innards at you and bats that fly around and don't want to go away. You also have frogs, miniature Rancors, large Venus flytraps with a mind of their own that attack you with their tongues and what looks like blue skulls with vines for arms and legs (I don't even know what those last things are).

The boss here is - you guessed it - a giant, fire-spitting Rancor that also hits the ground with his fists to get rocks to fall on you. If you've explored the level enough, you'll definitely have more than enough health and blaster power-ups to work with if you're playing as Han or Chewie. Heck, the Plasma gun makes quick work of him. If you're playing as Luke, you'll definitely be in for a fight once again. But at least the rocks carry power-ups like they always do, so you might just luck out and get some shields.

Next up is Jabba's sailbarge, where you finally give that space slug what was coming to him after all that time!

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