Monday, February 11, 2013

Brian Sulpher plays Bart vs. The Space Mutants - Part 1 of 5

Why is Marge wearing red? Why is Maggie wearing green? Why are Homer's shoes brown? Why are Lisa's shoes black? Why is Marge in a red dress with black shoes? And why does Bart have red socks on?

Also, this is BrianSulpher from GameFAQs playing the game. He's got a lot of NES FAQs; go check those out while you're surveying his YouTube account.

Anyway, this is not a very good game, folks. And if you don't feel like listening to James Rolfe (the Angry Video Game Nerd) to find that out, well...

Level 1: Purple-Colored Objects

Bart's shorts and shoes are purple...and so is Maggie's bow, pacifier and the HUD. How wonderful. The purple's enough to make you sick.

Anyway, in the first level, the aliens need purple-colored objects to power up...whatever their super-weapon is...

To get the one-up that you see almost immediately, you'll have to make a running super jump off the trash can by letting go of A and immediately pressing A and B at the same time afterwards. (Thankfully, Brian Sulpher explains this to you less than 90 seconds into this, as well as everything else that you need to know before getting deep into this game...or a pile of shit, depending on how you see this game.) After that, jump on the head of the first human you see. Pick up the little flashing thing that the alien leaves behind, and you'll collect a letter to spell out a Simpsons family member's name (in this case, it's Maggie). When you spell the name out completely, they'll be able to help you out in the boss battle.

Anyway, get the spray paint can, then spray the wastebasket at the beginning, as well as the Space Mutant 4 poster next to the theatre entrance. Go to the payphone, look through your inventory for the coins, and press Start to use it on the payphone. After Bart's usual Moe's Tavern prank call (which randomly gives out a different name every time you play - my favorite is Stu Piddidiot), Moe sends a guy in a purple shirt after you. Spray him red, then jump to the top of the payphone. Jump again to land on the wire above it, then walk over the covers to cover up the two purple toys. There will be a human passing by when you reach the next trash can; jump on his head to get the next letter and then spray the trash can.

Get the spray paint can on the windowsill of the next building, then jump over the bee that comes out of the first bush you pass. The rest (save for the next to last one) give you coins, and the last one throws out a coin at a weird angle, so be ready to grab that last one!

Spray the fire hydrant next to it. Go into the door above that awning you just sprayed and buy both the key and the wrench. Use the wrench on the fire hydrant, and you'll spray the awning on the store door red. Use the window to jump on the awning, then jump so that you spray the purple flower vase.

There'll be another human passing by when you reach Mel's novelty store; jump on his head and collect the next letter. Jump on the windowsill, then jump on the window to the door of Mel's. Jump to the upper part of the windowsill (be careful of the blue space mutant) and spray the next flower vase. If you're brave, go for the 1-Up.

Go into Mel's and buy both the cherry bomb and a bunch of rockets (about six or seven should do). You'll definitely need those later in the stage.

The "Toys 'n Stuff" store has another purple flower vase to spray, but first go in and buy a whistle and a magnet. You will definitely need these later. There's also another can of spray paint at the top here if you need it.

The next store is Candy Most Dandy. Spray the flower vase, spray the nearby trash can, then jump off the trash can with a super jump and knock the bucket over to turn the awning over the candy store window red.

The final shop is the pet store. Spray the vase on the windowsill (geez, another one?) then stand on the lower part of the window and throw the cherry bomb near the bird. The bird flies away, but then a dog appears that will attack you if you touch the ground. Stay on the window and it'll go away after a few seconds.

The next human you see is a mutant, so jump on his head. There's a coin in the bush that pops out at a crazy angle, so be ready to run for the coin when you trigger it. When you see the "Keep Off" sign, jump to the sign and you'll be standing on the grass. A cop dressed in purple (wut) will appear, so spray paint him red and get back on the grass to avoid him.

The next thing you have to do is to scare a bird off the Jebediah Springfield statue, and you have to do this if you want to move on. Here's the place to stand if you want to hit this bird with one rocket, because as AVGN said, this part can be frustrating as anything.

Jump over the barrier and onto the skateboard, but before you do so, hit one of the bushes and you'll trigger not one but two coins that you'll have to chase after to pick up. Now you can get on. You'll have to jump over dogs and space mutants while dodging Jimbo (unless you see the skull on his T-shirt, you wouldn't know it's him).

Jump over the barrier and you're back on foot. Spray the fountain, then jump on the head of the next human you see as it's another mutant. Hit the Barney's Bowl-a-rama sign with a rocket (thankfully, this is much easier). Jump on the human that comes shortly afterwards for the last letter. If you find any more humans that are really mutants with the help of the X-Ray Specs, you can get extra points (but not much else). Dodge the bee that comes out of the bush, and grab the coin that comes out of the bush above the two red mutants.

The last three things you'll need to get rid of are the purple window shades of the Springfield Retirement Home, home of one Abraham Simpson. Before you do that, though, go to the Kwik-E-Mart and hit the E with a rocket. Your aim has to be perfect, and if you can pull it off you'll get three extra lives and...the sound test. Nice.

Spray the fountain, then hit the tinted windows with the rocket. As you can see in the video, your aim can be a little less than perfect for these. Heck, Brian Sulpher nearly misses the second one and still gets it. Ha!

Also, if you're low on rockets, you can use the key on the retirement home door to go back to the movie theater. If the timer is at 200 or 400, you get to spray a purple person (the showtimes give a slight clue)! Whoo-hoo! Also, if you use the whistle in front of the last windows of the retirement home, Abe Simpson pops out of the window to throw some coins to you. Be ready to catch them!

To beat Nelson, press B to throw water balloons at him. Jump over the water balloons when he throws them. If Maggie is on screen, jump into the bowling balls to send them Nelson's way and make the boss battle a lot easier.

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