Friday, February 15, 2013

Quadraxis14 plays TMNT II: Back From the Sewers for CountyLineGaming - Part 1 of 5

This one's for you, SaiboTation! (Note: This was a request of sorts that I took on GameTrailers, and so far the only one I've ever really taken, hence the intro being as it is.)

Anyone remember the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers game for Game Boy that I covered? If you don't...good. If somehow you do, watch this. This will immediately erase any memories you have of that game, since this was made before MMPR for Game Boy...and it does everything that game does far better.

Act 1

Anyway, the first act is really easy. Not much of a strategy to put in around here. If you enter the second manhole in the city section, you can find a pizza (the first one damages you).

In the second sewer section, the first pipe you climb upon explodes as you make your way to the right. The Foot Soldiers that hide behind the walls slide quickly towards you; jump over them to avoid damage. Don't attack the guys throwing the bombs; instead, just wait for them to go away.

To beat Rocksteady, jump over his bullets and kick him. Watch out for the Foot Clan soldiers throwing beakers full of what looks like nitroglycerin out of the windows down to the ground. When he laughs, he's briefly open to attack. When it comes time to jump over him as he charges, jump over him when he's on his way down...if he jumps. He'll either run and then jump, or simply run straight across. Ducking also works, too.

When you defeat him, he runs away.

Bonus Game

The bonus games are simple. Grab the pizzas as they show up. You have to be quick to get all 12 halves.

The more pizzas you get, the more points you receive and the more health you refill. Simple enough, right?

Act 2

Well, this one's pretty interesting.

You ride a skateboard on a highway. What's really interesting about this stage is that you can go in all directions this time and not just left and right, similar to TMNT: The Arcade Game.

The enemies are pretty straightfoward: hit the guys on the skateboard with your weapon, and jump kick the guys on the jet cycles that shoot at you. You'll probably take a hit or two, but once you get used to fighting them you'll know exactly where to stand and when to attack.

Some of the Foot Clan ninjas come at you faster than usual, stay on one side of the screen and throw what look like double-layered boomerangs at you which you can deflect just like anything else they throw, or shoot at you with a gun. These guys will disappear after three attacks. The flying things (I don't know what they are) with the rotor blades on top can be destroyed in a single hit, thankfully.

A Foot Clan tank will drop barrels in your path. Jumping over them is the simplest thing to do here, since you can easily jump over a whole phalanx of barrels doing this.

At the end, you'll jump off your skateboard and fight Bebop. Jump over his gunshots, then hit him and run away so that you don't get punched or kicked. If you have Donatello on-screen, you'll have some extra range that will allow you to take fewer hits.

Rescue Game

This one is pretty simple. If you've lost a turtle, you can get that turtle back in the Rescue Game. You have to destroy the robot that blocks the jail cell before you can get the turtle back, though. If you get hit, you lose some time on the timer. If you can get his patterns down, you won't have a problem at all.

You'll also restore some health for your current turtle at the end, regardless, so it's not a total loss.

Obligatory Hints

You can turn your character around to hit an enemy in front of you and an enemy that's behind you at almost approximately the same time. Mastering that kinda helps, especially if you're trying to speedrun this game.

Donatello has the most range, obviously.

The "Pizza Time" screen is the pause screen. Making sure you were aware. XD

When an enemy is carrying an item, hit them to make them drop the item.

You can deflect or destroy the objects that Foot Clan soldiers throw at you with your weapon.

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