Friday, October 25, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Donkey Kong Land - Part 7 of 11

In this blog entry, we...oh. Oh, dear. We have THAT level, don't we?

All maps by Shiny.

Track Attack

Bonus areas: Two (2)

Welcome to the first of three cloud levels...and they are doozies.

The gimmick for this one is platforms on tracks. Stay on the platform, jump over the Zingers and make sure you don't fall to the bottom.

There is a barrel to the right that you can jump to on the second platform. A superjump will allow you to reach it easily and get the O.

The second bonus area is after the checkpoint. When you see the flying pigs, you're there. Jump off the two flying pigs to the right and get in the barrel cannon. When you get back, duck under the flying pig, then jump to get the G. Jump on the cloud platform near the end to reach the goal.

Spiky Tyre Trail

Bonus areas: Two (2)

The spiky tires are Mincers, obviously.

For some reason, the barrel cannon to the left at the start refused to spawn when I started the level. It takes you to the K, four banana bunches and a 1-Up.

When you see the pit with two Mincers and the platform that moves over them after the start, drop down between the Mincers to enter the first bonus area and get a bunch of bananas.

When you make it past the long pit after the N, drop down where the Mincer is going up and down. There will be a steel keg to the right. Grab it, then go back down and throw it into the right wall to enter the second bonus area, which is a coin mini-game.

Sky High Caper

Bonus areas: One (1)

Oh, boy. This level.

The platforms here move around in pre-determined zones. When you jump on the platform, or when the platform hits the end of a zone, the direction the platforms goes  - which is signified by the arrow on the center of the platform - moves counter-clockwise (right, up, left, down). In certain parts of the zones, you'll be going down some pretty linear paths, but your reaction time will have to be good to get the platform to go where you want to go.

The pigs are the worst part of this stage. You may have to roll/cartwheel into them to get rid of them. Be ready to jump right back onto the platform and get the platform re-situated and moving the way you want it to again afterwards. If you hold the B button during this level and let go of it at any time, pause the game, hold down the B button, then un-pause so you don't roll off the platform.

Shortly after the second checkpoint, there will be a banana path that arcs downwards to the right. If you follow it, you'll find the stage's lone bonus area where you can swim for some bonus coins. Just lay low so you can get past all the enemies.

When you see the K, you're nearly at the end. At this point, the worst is over. To the right of the goal is a line of bananas, and if you follow it, you'll find a bonus coin.

Oh, and if you get the first platform in the level down and to the left at the beginning of the platform zone, then superjump to the left, you'll find a secret exit that allows you to skip everything.

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