Saturday, October 19, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck - Part 3 of 4

In this episode, we find the nephews' dimes, then find out that our own dime is in Magica DeSpell's castle.


The scorpions move back and forth, and the sandworms will only get you if you stay in the quicksand for too long (which only moves if you don't jump across it and stay still).

In the second section, you'll see spears come out of certain walls and also deal with blocks trying to drop down on you. Keep moving to the right when you see the first set of blocks on the ceiling, and keep nudging to the right on the second set so you can move away accordingly and learn the layout.

You'll see a door midway through the second section. If you enter it, you'll see some chests. Attack the chests and see what you get. Beware, as a few of them are mimics that will leap towards you and try to bite you. If you're lucky, you can get some 1-Ups out of the proceedings. Don't worry about the ceiling coming down and killing you. You automatically leave the room after a set amount of time. 

In the third section, you'll see scorpions falling from the ceiling. Avoid these and make your way through all the quicksand.

In the fourth section, avoid all the blocks that fall from the top of the screen. They fall in one of two pre-determined patterns, so they're not going  fall the same exact way every time. When they stop falling, go up the blocks and jump into the top of the screen to leave the room. Thankfully, these blocks do not instantly kill you if they fall on top of you.

You'll then be at the top of the pyramid for the fifth section. Go through one of the doors and get past the traps inside to find the key. Take it back to the double doors with the keyhole and you'll fight the boss. If you stick to the top route, you'll be able to enter the second and fourth doors there for power-ups one last time, and you can keep entering them to stock up on lives. (The first and third doors lead to nothing.) Be sure to run back and forth when you come back out of the room so you can center the camera.

The crow here will summon snakes. You may have seen these in one of the rooms in the previous section, but if you didn't: they'll poke their heads out of the pots and you'll have to avoid them. Those are just the small ones, and the crow doesn't summon them. Instead, he summons a huge one that spits some sort of gas at you. The notes that come down are his attack, but you can jump on his head three times to get rid of him. The flying disc makes this boss battle easier, though. You now have the second dime.


Pay attention to where the snow falls. When the snow falls, the wind blows, and Donald will be pushed in that direction. This will be necessary to make some of the jumps in this stage, as some gaps will be a bit too long for you to clear otherwise.

Donald will be freezing here, and if you lose a life in this stage, Donald will be frozen solid before he drops down the screen.

You'll see a bunch of yetis walking and sliding around. Using your weapon is a better choice here, since they sometimes slide around and your jump could miss. The ones that slide around are easier to beat.

Some of the pits of frozen water contain swordfish that jump in and out.

For the second section, Donald enters an igloo. In this igloo, there are multiple paths, and you'll be dealing with snowmen that form walls of either ice cubes or snowman heads. If you don't have a weapon, you won't be able to break the ice cubes. If you see the snowmen, kill them off.

As you make your way inside and outside and back again, you'll see the yetis walk out of doors and also walk in from the side of the screen where the entrance to the next screen is, so be careful.

The crow here will come down and throw ice cubes at you. It will also dive-bomb you if the ice cube is bouncing back and forth across the screen, but if you hit the crow before it can do that and it's still flashing at the time of the dive-bomb, the crow won't be able to damage you at all. The flying disc makes this boss a snap. Just don't repeatedly attack the crow from below, because it's extremely likely that the crow will come straight down and touch you, causing you to lose your weapon.

If you do lose your weapon, you can use the ice cube it throws to boost your jump and get on top of the crow. Just be mindful of that dive-bomb attack.

When you beat all three crows, they'll tell you that Magica has Scrooge's dime in her castle.

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