Sunday, October 20, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck - Part 4 of 4

It's time to face Magica DeSpell and get our dime back!

Magica's Castle

The silk hats are skeletons. When you jump over the hats, they'll come out of the ground with the hats on their heads and throw bones at you. Run straight to the right at the bridge at the start, and the bones won't hit you.

The forks float upwards for a second before coming at you prongs first.

Just like in the igloo in Antarctica, you can leap into gaps in the ceiling to make your way up the castle.

The ghosts just fly back and forth. They're really easy to get rid of.

The green platforms will do different things. Some will move in a specific direction, others move in a pattern, and others will just simply disappear. You'll have to know which one does what in order to get through this castle without taking damage. Some of them will take you dangerously close to spikes, especially spiked ceilings which you'll have to duck under in order to survive.

The red spiked balls are spikes that can move back and forth.

The paintings of Magica will crush you much like the Thwomps in Super Mario Bros. 3, but they start moving long before you get close to them. You can jump on top of them to get past them if you need to.

Be careful as you make your way through the castle, as it is possible to go backwards. When you reach the roof of the castle, go right instead of left, otherwise you'll be needlessly backtracking. Also, you'll see the ghosts flying around near the top of the screen swooping down at you when you're close enough.

Green ghosts will pop out of the mirrors when you pass by them. They look very similar to the thin ghost in the classic Lonesome Ghosts cartoon. If you keep going, though, you'll evade them for a while, but they'll eventually catch up you in a matter of seconds. Go ahead and hit them with your weapon if you have to. 

The suits of armor carry a double-edged spear in both hands. Be patient as you wait for them to lower and rise accordingly. They always drop the left spear, followed by the right one followed by both.

The blue balls bounce into each other and make a clanging noise as they touch. Be ready to jump over or duck under the balls to avoid them.

The candles' flames will drop to the floor, making it slightly more difficult to get around. When you reach the room that has them, go right and take the high road. Do not take the lower path; otherwise, you'll have to do the whole candle section again.

When you reach Magica, you won't be able to do anything to her. Instead, you'll have to destroy her crystal ball. As you do this, she'll summon lightning bolts that move down and towards you and bombs that drop straight down from the sky. The crystal ball goes down after a few hits, and after you destroy it, you'll get Scrooge's lucky dime back as Magica admits defeat. You can jump on it numerous times, but unless you have a weapon to sacrifice a an extra hit, you're going to die doing this. Nevertheless, this is the best strategy.

Afterwards, Donald gets his reward, and you've won the game! Congratulations!

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