Tuesday, October 15, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Alex Kidd in Miracle World - Part 4 of 5

In this entry, we finally confront Jenken the Great once and for all...

Stage 13

In this stage, you're back on the pedocopter, and this time, you're going from right to left. Be wary of the red balls as well as the vines that move in and out of the green swamp water at the bottom. Be ready to shoot at or avoid any pterodactyls. If you crash the pedocopter, you're starting all over.

Stage 14

If you beat Stage 11 without the note, the king of Niblana will not recognize you as Alex and will not help you; instead, he sends a Grim Reaper after you. If you do have the note, he will tell you that the moon stone has been stolen and that the crown is in Lake Deep. He also hands you a stone slab that will come in handy later. Walk left and grab the stone slab, then grab the onigiri (rice cake) to end the stage.

Stage 15

The shop at the beginning allows you to buy a motorcycle, a ring that shoots projectiles and another magic cane. Buy the cane. While the motorcycle is tempting, it is easier to get through this area without it. If you have the ring, use it here, too. The two question mark blocks here both contain 1-Ups, but the first block is directly above a swamp water pit.

You'll face Paper Head again at the end. For the first round, choose Rock. For the second round, choose Scissors. After the janken match, go all the way to the left, face right and keep punching. If you hit him at any other location, Paper Head's head will keep moving even after being hit, and you will die.

Stage 16

When you enter Janken's Castle, jump over the center of the room to get the money. Drop down, then jump onto the trap door when the flame is in the center and moving right. Punch the block to the right, go down the ladder, punch the blocks and go left, jump over the flame, drop down and punch all the blocks to the right. Ignore the ladder and keep going right. Go down the ladder in the lower-right corner.

Follow the path to the right while avoiding the flames, then run all the way to the right and punch the blocks in your way to avoid the gas. Go to the right while punching the frog and avoiding the spikes, then go all the way to the ladder on the upper-right corner.

Punch the blocks to make some wrap-around jumps, then go left. Keep going left over the spikes. When you see the water pits with the vines going up and down, use the magic cane. Go up the ladder, go left, and take your time as you make your way to the ladder in the upper-left corner. Go up the ladder, go left, then jump onto the trap door while positioning yourself so that you don't land on a flame when you go all the way down. Jump over the flames and go up the ladder in the upper-left corner.

Jump up and punch the purple block with the fish twice, then quickly run right and go up the ladder. Take out the frogs, punching the upper frog from below as you go, then make your way to the right, jump over the trap door as you avoid the spikes, then punch the blocks and quickly move right so you don't get trapped. Drop straight down from the edge and huge the wall. Take out the rock creature and the scorpion, then hit the fish button twice. Land on the trap door, then move left as you drop down so a vine doesn't hit you.

Swim past the vines when they reach their lowest point (be sure to hold 1 if you need to). From here, there is a spike maze. Position yourself so you don't hit the floor spikes, then naturally float up to the spikes. If you move into the ceiling spikes voluntarily, you will die, but if you float into them without holding any directions on the D-Pad, you won't. When between spikes above floor level, you can still move left and right, but you cannot move up or down or else you will lose a life. Keep this in mind as you swim upwards to the ladder.

Make your way to the left as quickly as possible, so you don't get trapped, the climb up the ladder, go left, and get rid of the enemies as you take the middle road. Use the teleport powder or the B Globe to get past the flames when you punch the blocks to the right. At the two ladders, go down the left one. Punch out the blocks, drop down without hitting the scorpion or the flames, then go right. You'll meet Janken the Great.

You'll face him in rock-paper-scissors. Choose Paper on both rounds. When you beat him in Janken, run to the right and stand right in front of him. Wait for him to shoot a projectile, then jump up and hit him in the face. You'll have to do this four times. When you beat him, he turns to stone. Head back to him and pick up the moon stone, then go up the ladder. You'll save the Princess, who tells you to save the crown, then you'll be able to end the stage.

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