Wednesday, October 30, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Kirby's Adventure - Part 4 of 14

We start the third level in this entry, and this time around, we're introduced to secret areas.

Level 3

Butter Building

All right! A new level!

Level 3-1

After entering the building in the first section, you'll come across a room with bomb blocks that send enemies crashing down on you when you destroy them and the wall tiles along with them. Spit an air pellet at it. That way, you'll have plenty of time to move out of the way. You'll be able to get the Stone ability again in this room.

You'll fight the alarm clock guy again, then go through the door. You'll see the exit above you in the next section...but for now, just follow the lower path. When you enter the door here, you'll see a switch, but you won't be able to reach it quite yet. Go ahead and enter the door to the left of it, then head towards the goal.

When you head back to the map, the door will stay orange. Here's how to get to that switch: go back to the room with the switch, and go down from the start. You'll notice two star blocks. Destroy them and you'll find a door. Destroy the bomb block, go into the next door, and you'll be next to the switch. Congrats, you now have access to the Level 3 Arena!


You can fight Wheelie and get Wheel here.

Level 3-2

It's a climb to the top in Level 3-2.

You'll be making another vertical climb in the first section. Take down all the enemies and make your way to the top.

The second section is pretty interesting. As you move to the right, the tower actually rotates. For a game that uses the more common (and less expensive) MMC3 mapping chip, this is actually pretty interesting. I'm surprised this wasn't done on the NES a year or two prior to the game's release. After you walk a certain distance, a part of the tower wall explodes and you'll get a door you can go through. Be careful not to accidentally walk off the tower.

The third section is a narrow, vertical corridor. Watch out for enemies on the way up, especially the stone guys. Also, the background here looks like something from the 80s that has yet to be dragged by the hair, kicking and screaming, into the next century.

The fourth section is another vertical section with spikes lining it. Avoid them as you make your way to the top, and fly over the Gordos at the top of this section. The door to the left at the start contains Wheelie if you want to use Wheel throughout this room.j

The fifth section is a room with two penguins which give you the Freeze ability if you swallow one of them. To get the power-ups in this room, slide into the bomb blocks, get the item, then fly back up for dear life.

You'll fight Bugzzy, the pro wrestling beetle in the next room. Avoid him as he comes towards you and inhale the tiny beetles he sends at you for ammunition. When you swallow him, you'll get the Back Drop ability (which is pretty hard to get). It didn't appear in any other Kirby games, and was upgraded into what became known as the Suplex ability in Kirby Super Star] (which, interestingly enough, you also got from Bugzzy). With Back Drop, you get stars when you inhale an enemy, and when you catch an enemy, you can press one of four directions on the Control Pad. Up does a Backbreaker, Down does a piledriver, away with the suplex and forward is a power bomb. If you press a direction or a button while holding an enemy in mid-air, you'll cast the enemy straight downwards.

A doorway will appear above the ladder when you beat Bugzzy...and that's it for Level 3-2!

Level 3-3

You'll be avoiding those flying guys again as you climb the ladders in the first section. It seems kind of confusing with all the like colors in this room, but it really isn't.

More tower rotation action appears in the second section. I still find this amazing even now.

The third and last section is vertical and full of doors. Just go into the highest door you can reach, take down the star blocks, and enter the next door. It's easy. 

As you use these doors, you'll enter a purple vertical section that's a mirror image of the room you were just in. The third door in the purple room takes you to a hidden 1-up (watch out for the spikes!) while the fourth door should take you to a Maxim Tomato if you need it.


The museum contains Hi-Jump if you want it.

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